Berchtesgaden and Austria

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Chapter 19 is here. I do apologise for the long wait. But on a high note I had finally found my BOB Box-set and now I have been catching up on what I have forgotten since I last watched it. Most of the chapters were done from memory. Apologies for some inaccuracies.

Chapter 19:

Bavaria, Germany May 8th 1945

Easy Company had been riding all the way to Berchtesgaden to beat the French Army. But the journey had been tough due to Hitler's SS setting up roadblocks to slow the American Army down.

Donnie absolutely hated the SS. He hated those bastards after all the damage that had been caused by them. Even after hearing they had followed Hitler's bidding to massacre the Jewish people it had filled him with a burning hate after all he had seen in 11 months of fighting.

They were 3 miles outside Berchtesgaden and were blocked by part of a cliff that the SS blew up, they had been stuck outside on their trucks and were standing around as Murphy and Webster were watching 2 soldiers fire a bazooka at the rocks with very little success as Webster says, "What's the bet the French are going to beat us to Berchtesgaden and the Eagle's nest?" "Not even going to think about it, and the engineers were supposed to be here half an hour ago" "Maybe we should climb over the barricade" "I'll sit back and let you get shot or we can find some grenades and bust through that blockade" "I like your plan. Let me go find some grenades" Web headed off while Kyle went to the men holding the bazooka as he said, "Riley, hand me your grenades" "Any reason why Sarge?" "Got a plan on how to break through the blockade" "We'll wait."

The two men then hand Donnie their grenades as Webster then joins him, "I picked up 10 grenades" "4 grenades, this should be enough to break through the blockade" "You sure?" "Have I ever lied to you before?" "Never" "Trust me." Webster laughs as Donnie signals to Riley saying, "Whenever your ready, Riley." "Ready when you are Sarge" Donnie and Webster laughed as they then jogged right next to Riley as he then took aim and opened fire on the blockade it had been obliterated as Donnie lightly cheered as he shouted, "Easy Company, mount up! We're on the move!" every man had then gotten onto the vehicles as the column of vehicles had begun to move.

They had arrived into Berchtesgaden. Donnie had been on foot with the rest of company leading at the front. The entire town was quiet, only sound you could hear were dogs barking and the sound of Winters's jeep there had been papers scattered across the roads, white flags had been hung up as well even Riley was in awe as he asked, "Where is everyone?" "This is the only place in all of Europe that you can't deny being a true Nazi" "How do you know this?" "Christ knows." Riley nodded satisfied with the answer.

They kept on walking and soon found they had arrived at the Berchtesgaden Hotel as Winters, Nixon and Welsh had gone on into the building as Murphy had followed them on in as he split from them and headed in with Riley right behind him as they checked every room.

The only people that were in the building were the Hotel staff who were cleaning everything and making sure the hotel was clean and tidy. Donnie and Riley had then walked through the building and hadn't found a single German officer or anyone else as Donnie guessed, "Must have headed for the Eagle's Nest or somewhere else like Austria towards the mountains" "Your guess is as good as mine, Sarge" "Yeah, I know Kid" "Hey Sarge."

Donnie turned and found Speirs walking towards them as he said, "Murphy, you're with me" "Riley, check out this side of the house and the courtyard, make sure you have someone with you" "I can handle myself Sarge" "That's an order Private." Donnie said as he walked with Speirs who was leading him upstairs as Donnie then asked, "What's up Sir?" "We're heading for the Eagles' Nest, you excited?" "I am, I assume we're taking down anything that's not nailed?" "Exactly, you going to do it?" "In all honesty, Sir not really. Although I wouldn't really want to have somebody else coming to take it all for themselves" "Atta-boy, Sarge. 2 rooms are yours for the taking. Scrounge whatever you can find, I'll have somebody bring it to my room to be shipped out."

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