He Has A Nightmare

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You were asleep but you felt Finn moving next to you. You slightly woke up and sat up on your elbow. He started whimpering and you could see a tear slip from his eyes. You shook him lightly. "Finn?" You whispered. "What?" He jumped up. "It was just a dream Bubba." You rubbed his back. He started crying. You opened your arms and embraced him in a hug. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. He was sweating and shaky. "Lets go watch TV and try to forget about it?" You asked. He nodded and you grabbed your blanket that you two shared. You walked down to the couch and turned on the TV. He laid down with his head in your lap. You played with his curls as he watched TV. You heard him sniffle and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "I love you y/n." He looked up and into your e/c eyes. "I love you too Bubba."


You were sitting in bed reading some comments on your photos. You heard a small voice next to you. "No! Don't hurt her!" Jack whimpered. You sat your phone down and played with his curls. "Jack, babe." You whispered. He was still asleep. You shook his arm and he jumped up. "What, huh." He looked around. "Bad dream?" You asked rubbing his cheek. He nodded and laid back down. "I had a dream someone was trying to hurt you. I never want you to get hurt." He kissed my forehead. "I love you Jack." I kissed his lips. "I love you too." He said as he laid his head down on your stomach. You played with his curls and he drew small imaginary circles on your stomach.


Okay, so this one is kinda long so I'll update with Wyatt's and Jaeden's later.

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