Please Read This

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Okay, I haven't updated any of my stories in a while. Let's talk about what's been happening.

I've been doing better mentally. I feel a lot better than how I felt a few updates ago. Except the fact that my brothers girlfriend lives with us and kisses my moms ass. She's such a suck up and makes me look like a horrible daughter.  So that's kinda knocking down my mental state.

Another reason why I've been gone is I've been trying to focus on my social and school life. I've been focusing on school, trying to get those credits. And I've been studying to get my learners permit. I've been practicing in an empty parking lot. So that's a thing.

Then finally. I've been trying to clean and organize my room because let me tell y'all. It's a hot mess. So I've been going through my clothes, selling and donating them, and washing all the clothes that need to be washed. I just let my room get way too out of hand.

Hopefully soon there will be an actual update. I hope to be back soon. I actually love all of y'all. Thank you for the support 💜

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