Never been so dissapointed in humanity then now. Katie Hopkins decides to talk about South African Farm murders and gets publicly attacked.
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Whites were slaves to you know. That part of history is simply never talked about. As for Apartheid it happend before I was born. Before most of us today we're born and that doesn't give you the right to torture people and shoot babies and children!
Apartheid is over what are you fighting for? I know blacks are still in a bad place financially in South Africa and all across the world but killing people ain't gonna solve that.
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Yeah but the difference is your people have a voice.
Then their were hateful comments because she didn't go to Sweden instead. Sweden and Germany have my sympathies but people have been becoming aware of the problem. People still are not aware of South Africa's problem with violence and the murder of blacks and whites.
I know some other people have also started to try and make the world aware of Farm Murders but they also received hate comments.
"Why South Africa?" "Those pink people deserve it."
So I'm a Oompa Loompa now?
"Torture and kill those racists." "All whites must die."
If I posted stuff like this about black people I would be publicly ridiculed!
I admire and will continue to admire Katie Hopkins for her bravery and guts to speak out when everyone else is to afraid to.
If we condone murder no matter what the persons race then we have truly lost our humanity.
Oh, but black people face police brutality. Sweden and Germany face much worse.
Yes, I'm aware but we are killed at the rate of war. And while their are strikes and protests held for police brutality and people who speak for Germany who speak for Sweden no one wil speak for us.
The mere fact that you are aware of what's hapenning in Sweden and in Germany proves that at least some people in the world care enough to try and make these things public.
No one does that for us and when someone does they do this to them.