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Quinn, Desiree and Farren walk along the streets of New York checking out everything and showing little Charlotte who sits in her pram all the cool things that are in the city

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Quinn, Desiree and Farren walk along the streets of New York checking out everything and showing little Charlotte who sits in her pram all the cool things that are in the city. Or well mainly just Quinn anyway, she loves that kid and meaning by that is she spoils it rotten. Typical Quinn. They stop at the front of the little cafe so Quinn could pick up her bosses "white chocolate mocha"

She walks in with her head down scrolling through her emails that are held on her phone when she bumps into a firm chest and falls on the coffee that had spilled on the cafes floor. She looks up to be met by the most dazzling Crystal blue eyes ever.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" He apologises as he helps Quinn up from her being on her ass all she can do is laugh.

"Nope all goods, totally my fault" she shakes her head and laughs again seeing as the man lost his poor coffee.

"And I'm gonna pay for you to get a new coffee and a shirt. Not that you really need to wear one. Fuck. Crap, I really need to learn to shut up" he laughs at the beautiful girl in front of him, he sticks his hand out for her to shake.

"Names Dacre. Dacre Montgomery"

"Quinn Ramsey" she gladly accepts his unbelievably soft and large hands and shakes it.

"So about the coffee?" She asks softly not making eye contact with the handsome man in front of her.

"How about I take you on a coffee date, Saturday 11am?" She looks up with wide eyes, but smiles nonetheless and nods her head rapidly making him chuckle at her behaviour.

"Give me your phone" Quinn says to him as he hands her his phone, she types her number in and hands it back to him. She looks down at the time and freaks out.

"Shit! I'm like seriously 45 minutes late, I'm sooooooo bloody dead!" She groans and orders her bosses coffee and as it's called out she walks past Dacre but stops and turns around to face him.

"Call me sexy" she then leaves.


"So let me get this straight. You bump into him, he spills his coffee all over you, you slip over like a dumbass from a cartoon, hey his number, forgot about work and leave and call him sexy?" Desiree states.

"Don't say it like that!" Quinn complains, she got fired from work for being an hour late and for a shitty coffee and not having any of her work completed.

"Ohhh and let's not forget she got fired, Des!" Farren pipes in.

"And you got fired?"

"Yes Desiree lavender Young. I got my ass burned outta there and not even ice can fix the problem" Quinn groans and Charlotte giggles and Quinn just rolls her eyes at the baby's antics.

"Also I have a date with him on Sat!"

"WHAT!?" Both girls yell at their friend as they gained random stares from strangers that were close by them, but the girls completely ignoring them.

"Did I forget that part?" The other two girls including little Charlotte nod their heads rapidly or more so the adults Charlotte is more like spazzing out completely and starts crying rapidly until Farren pays the small child attention making the baby settle down.

"You know Saturday is tomorrow, right Quinn?" Farren adds as Desiree quirks an eyebrow at Quinn's stupidly hilarious face.

"Shit seriously?" Both girls roll their eyes and walk ahead of Quinn.

"What if he cancels, or stands me up or never texts me back!" Quinn rants.

"Quinn baby, it can't be worse then getting pregnant at 20 and the baby's daddy leaves you hanging for another chick and moves to Canada to start a happy life!" Farren rants to Quinn.

"Good point" Quinn points out opening the door to her house wide enough for the girls to get through.

"Ladies How was your day?" Oscar asks looking over at the girls, quirking his eyebrow when he sees all the girls different faces.

"I got fired"

"She has a date sat"

"I need food"

All three girls say at the same time making Oscar laugh.

"Speak, but this time one at a time. Quinn?"

"Fine. I have a date tomorrow at 11 and I. Got. Fired" she says the last part slowly, Oscars furrows his eyebrows looking his sister deep into her eyes almost as if he's looking into her soul.

"Okay fucking stop death staring me OSSY!" She screaches his nickname making him groan in response, she claps
her hands and walks up the stairs in success of pissing her big brother off.


789 word count (unedited)

Another Chapter downnnnn and I'm pretty happy with it!! 

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