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So Quinn being Quinn liked to do random and stupid shit and now that her Dacre are together her beautiful and crazy plans can come out and reach for him and lure him into being the best prankster ever

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So Quinn being Quinn liked to do random and stupid shit and now that her Dacre are together her beautiful and crazy plans can come out and reach for him and lure him into being the best prankster ever.


Quinn can't do that because 1. She's clumsy and 2. That's Oscars job.
But that doesn't mean she can't give it a go.

"You want me to do what?!" Dacre asks the girl in front of him as if she was crazy, which she totally was.

"They're only small things! And completely harmless. Shampoo becomes pink hair die, toothpaste becomes icing and icing becomes toothpaste. Oooo and flower in his hair dryer, he has to make those locks bootifool!" Shaking his head, he sighs and agrees to help his girlfriend which makes her smile widen.

"Fineeeeee" he says before continuing

"Just this once, for you baby" her heart flutters at the small heat cute pet name making her grin even bigger if that was possible

"Ya okay lets get started with the shampoo!"

Few hours later the couple were pooped, sprawled out on Quinn's King sized bed breathing heavy from all the walking around to grab certain things to doing all sorts.

"Do you wanna, ya know maybe move in with me?" Dacre says out of the blue, making Quinn's eyes bulge but her smile widening. She jumps and straddles him.

"Yes. One million times YES!" They Both smile.

"How bout tomorrow we start packing?!" She nods her head frantically. Both laughing they settle down and put in Power rangers and much to his dismay she insisted they watch it just because she hadn't seen him in it yet.

 Both laughing they settle down and put in Power rangers and much to his dismay she insisted they watch it just because she hadn't seen him in it yet

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The next day the two love birds had moved majority of Quinn's stuff into Dacre's apartment leaving the major big things such as her bed and desk, she gave that all to Oscar as he upgraded his room to her now old one, also he was not pleased with all the fucking pranks they pulled on him but forgave her when she told him he can have her room.

"All done, does it look okay?" Dacre says as he wraps his arms around her waist, she looks up at him smiles nodding her head at their greatest masterpiece.

"I'm exhausted can we just lay down and not get up till tomorrow because I have to be at the circus at three tomorrow for a meeting or something like that" he kisses her head agreeing with her

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"I'm exhausted can we just lay down and not get up till tomorrow because I have to be at the circus at three tomorrow for a meeting or something like that" he kisses her head agreeing with her.

"For you anything" with that the two of them stayed in bed all night until she had to leave.


It's around 10:49 pm and Quinn ends up walking home... alone, worst choice she had ever decided to make. The night sky is littered in stars and the moon shines brightly down on her illuminating the dark and scary street. She starts to hear foot steps which causes her to start walk faster, but she's suddenly cornered into a dead end of a ally way and she turns around to see three men, all drunk and dazed by the girl.

"What's a prettay gal like ya self doin out here all alone in da dark?" One of the me. Ask making her mind freeze and her body stiffen, but she raises her head and holds it high.

"Going home sir" she says curtly.

"We don't want you freaks in our town, so why don't you all just bugger off!" One of the other men say making her frown even more.

"We are only here to make people happy" she says softly but steps back as the first guy who spoke steps dangerous close to her, caressing her cheek with his chubby fingers she flinches away making him forcefully grab her face.

"You don't belong here, not you or ya fucking freak friends. But I won't leave until I have a little fun with ya beautiful" he slaps her forcefully making her cry out and grab her cheek.

"Please. Don't do this!" She cries but he doesn't care.

"I want her beaten to the pulp and maybe have some fun with her while she looks this good" he smirks and walks away.

They grab her, pull her hair, undress her, slap, punch, kick her and they do the most horrifying things that someone could ever experience.

Leaving her alone with nothing, barely any clothes, no money or a sell phone she makes her way back to the circus to see everyone still there. They hear the doors open and gasp at the sight in front of them.

Mr Barnum runs towards the girl as well as Marbella to help hold the girl up.

"What happened dear?" Me Barnum wife ask, she couldn't talk, Oscar walks over to his sister and takes her into his arms and out of the other two.

"Call Declan And Dacre asap !" He shouts to ever making his weak sister shiver. He notices and holds her closer to him.

"Shhh you are safe now and no one. I mean no one will hurt you again"

He meant every word and he never lied, especially to his sister and she knew he will deal with who ever hurt the baby of the Ramsey's

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He meant every word and he never lied, especially to his sister and she knew he will deal with who ever hurt the baby of the Ramsey's. The worst part was, they all knew he would live up to his word and no one can stop him.


891 words (unedited)

Okay this chapter went from cute to I'm sad as fuck. Plus I got really emotional writing this!

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