Chapter 15

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Aileen’s POV

By the end of the week, we were like family. Everyone had learned basically everything about one another, and we all found out we couldn’t live with out each other. We were all closer than we were before, and even though I had known Emily and Anna basically my whole life, I felt like we were different people now. 

The week drew to a close, and we all packed, sad to leave. Me and Harry were in our room, packing since we would be leaving the next day.

He smirks and hands me one of my bra’s he had found under the bed. I blushed and shoved it into my suitcase. As far as our relationship goes, it’s been great.

We never got sick of each other, we constantly wanted to be together, hugging, kissing touching. Every day we woke up, even more in love, if that was even possible. It was exactly how I wanted my life to be, and it was depressing that I would have to leave in a couple months….. speaking of which.

Once me and Emily got back to London we were scheduled to have a meeting with Simon. We were psyched! Who knew what could result from this? All our dreams and wishes could come true, every single one. We would be dating our Dream guys, Signed by Sony, and be Famous! That’s all we’ve ever wanted. And maybe then I wouldn’t have to leave Harry…

Harry noticed my trouble expression and hugged me tight, “What’s wrong love?” He asked kissing the top of my head. Me, Emily, and Niall had decided to keep it between us three, until something was confirmed. We didn’t want to look like utter failures if we were turned down by Simon. 

“Just wondering how long it will take to get home,” I lied coolly. I hated lying to him, but it wasn’t going to hurt him.

“I’m going to go help the rest of the boys pack,” He said, kissing me lightly. I nodded and picked up my bag to put it in the car.

Emily was downstairs, drinking some tea. She smiled brightly when she saw me, before glancing around checking to see if anyone else was around. No one was, but she whispered anyway.

“Niall says that Simon told him to tell us to rest our voices,” She says softly, “So I’m drinking lots of tea,” she giggles.

I waggle my eyebrows at her and pour myself a glass. It was Yorkshire, go figure. I drank it, feeling it soothing my throat and warm me up. My throat was hoarse from singing with Emily almost every night and things me and Harry did. *wink wink*

She helps me put my stuff in the car, and we stay outside for a little bit.

“So,” Emily starts, running her fingers through her hair, “If we do get signed, and we do make it big, do you think we will ever wish we hadn’t?”

I think a little bit about that, If we did somehow make it big I knew we would be attacked by fans, (shit) and wouldn’t be able to keep anything private. I wouldn’t be able to deal with that, I had claustrophobic issues! But, I wanted more than anything to share me and Emily’s talent with the world. I could always get body gaurds and stuff, just like the boys, but I wouldn’t want them to control what I do.

“Uhm,” I nervously laughed, “I honestly have no idea,” I confessed shaking my head.

She rubbed my back, “It’s okay Aileen,” she soothed, “I don’t want to force you into a life you don’t want,”

Then, I felt horrible. I couldn’t wreck her chances, just because I was a little afraid. I needed to be strong, so we both could shine.

“I’m just joking,” I told her smiling, “I’m so ready for this!” I grabbed her hand and squeezed. Someone walked up behind us, cracking up.

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