Chapter 4

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Aileen’s POV

I turned around and saw Zayn and Niall. 

A huge grin spread across my face, and Zayn’s. I felt like we were mirroring each other. 

Charlotte tapped me, “Omg, Niall is so much hotter in person”

“I know, but I’m not really into him,” I reply, “He’s more of like a brother.”

She nodded, and then asked, “Can we go talk to them?”

“Sure,” I grabbed my tray of crap and we went and sat opposite Niall and Zayn.

Charlotte was nervous I could tell she was tapping her foot on the floor, and kept on giggling.

“Char, calm down,” I whisper to her.

She stops tapping and smiles sweetly at Niall, he smiles back and she makes this weird noise in the back of her throat.

I stifle a giggle making Zayn look at me weirdly.

I roll my eyes and gesture to Niall and Charlotte who were just staring at each other.

“Sooo,” I start, “Niall, this is my friend Charlotte. Charlotte you already know Niall” she swats me and I laugh

“You’re a fan of the band?” Niall asks, eating.

“Yeah, I kinda, uhm am obsessed,” she answers blushing.

“Preach it sister,” I tell her giggling.

Zayn laughs and then taps his foot on my leg. I feel Goosebumps travel up my leg all the war to my fingertips. I nudge his foot back. Holy shit, I’m playing footsies with Zayn Malik. I’m melting inside. I can’t take it. I need to tell him how I feel.

I’m just about to ask Zayn to come outside with me when my phone vibrates. Harry.


Hey babe, what are you up to?

I quickly type back

Hanging with a New friend at Nandos

I look up and Zayn’s looking at me concerned.

Its fine, I mouth. He nods and continues eating.

Niall and Charlotte are talking about their favorite foods and Movies. They are too cute! Good for Niall to find someone like her.

After Lunch we all go to walk around the streets. Zayn and Niall have on shades and hats, so not too many people recognize them. 

“So what’s the story behind your outfit?” Zayn asks, eyebrows raised.

“Oh god,” I start, “Well I thought I might try to copy Louis style… it’s not really working is it?” I ask scrunching my eyebrows together.

“Not to offend Louis or anything, but that outfit does you justice,” he answers softly taking my hand in his. My heart stops and we just stand there staring at each other.

Niall and Charlotte realize that we aren’t behind them anymore so they stop secretly watch. 

I don’t notice and neither does Zayn. 

“Listen, Aileen,” Zayn starts. Oh crap, he’s going to tell me he only likes me as friends. Shit, I knew it. 

“I really like you, like a lot.” His breath catches as he’s talking and he stops for a second.

Then it all rushes out, “I don’t know if you feel the same way, but if you do that’s really great because you’re gorgeous and amazing, and we always have fun together. And I feel like a better me whenever I’m around you. I know that I only met you, but I don’t care because I just want you to be mine!” He finishes. He’s breathing hard now.

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