Chapter 21

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I was laid on my back on the bed, thinking about my life, some crazy shit happened and I was really, really demoralized;
Why am I still here? Why? I can't even feel anything right now. Am I dead? Or is this one of those dreams, a horrible dream. I thought
Oddly, I didn't kill Jackson when I broke up with him and I didn't know how to explain it

Someone knocked on my door, I didn't answer but the door opened anyway -Kate, honey- I heard, it was my uncle Elijah -Kate, how are you feeling?- he said sitting in my bed and putting his hand on my shoulder -You haven't eaten anything in 28 hours

-I'm not hungry-

-You're acting like this because of him (Jackson) right?-

-No, I'm not. I'm just... Not hungry-

-You know you can tell me what's going on-

-It's nothing, really-

After my answer uncle Elijah went out my room and when he heard someone ring at the doorbell he opened made his way to the doorway and opened it.

-You must be one of Kate's friends, right- he asked him

-Yes, my name's Lorenzo. I came here to talk to her-

-Sorry, but she doesn't want to see anyone right now-

But when Elijah was closing it Enzo came in the mansion with his vampire speed -Look, I don't want to disturb but-

Before he could finish Elijah stopped him -you're doing it right now-

-But if Kate is feeling bad right now it's just my fault and I want to stop it-

-What have you done-

-Three days ago she begged me to erase her memories because she was done with everything-

-It's not your fault- Elijah said


-You made it because you feel something for her-

-Let me talk with her-

He nodded and Enzo raised the stairs and opened my bedroom door -Katherine- he whispered -How are you-

-I don't know-

-Sorry, if you're feeling bad it's just my fault-


-Listen, I know you don't remember-

-I do-

-You can't-

-I am a witch, you can't erase my memories-

-Excuse me, why you asked me to do it?-

-I tried- I said wiping my tears off -I want to stop thinking about him and..  I can't-

-You need help, talk to me if you want-

-You're a golden man, but I don't want to bother you-

-You're not bothering- he smiled. His smile, his god-damned smile, the sight of it made my day a little bit better -What do you think if we go out, tonight-


-Yes, tonight. We can go out drinking some beers or burning up something or someone, who knows-


-Kate, for God sake, just say yes and go out with me-

-Y-Yes- I said smiling, but still with some tears traces on my cheeks

-Perfect, see you tonight- he greeted, but before he could leave he said -Kate, promise me you won't do anything crazy-

-Like what?

-You know what I meant- then he left


When Enzo got out the room there was a angry and confused Niklaus waiting for him. His arms were crossed on his chest and he was starring, apparently, the floor, but when he saw Enzo's black leather shoes his looked straight at him -you- he spoke -a bird told me that you're trying to get closer to my daughter-

-Is that bird your brother?-

-It was me- Caroline said -I know what your intentions are, and I also come to realize, after all these years, that you are just an asshole that doesn't deserve anyone's love, even Kate's love- she told strictly

-I don't know what you are talking, seriously-

-That you tried to make a move with everyone and everything that could breath or not-

-I'm changed- he said getting off the stairs -and I'll prove it to y'all- then he went straight to the doorway with his vampire speed and opened it -good rest of the day to you all-

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