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Oh, how he desired to taste her again, like a secret or a sin.



AS THE DAWNING OF another day approached, I found myself seeking comfort in the realization, that even if I've completely lost all hope. I was still myself. Sighing heavily, I paced around the room stoping only to look out of the window, I watched how, the sun beams danced over the tough green leaves.

'I'll fight for us'

As though, it was his words, that brought tears to my eyes. Yesterday when he said those words, I for a brief moment wanted to take the risk. I wanted to believe there was a forever for us, I wanted to find solace in the comfort that at least we fought-we fought together.

But then again, if a woman can fake her tears of regrets and sorrows for, happiness and joy then she can also survive every turmoil that life puts her through.

I've always in the past got what I wanted, I placed myself above everything, anyone. It was because, I wasn't aware that how the balance of life actually worked. I didn't care if in the process of getting something, I've hurt someone else, I believed, this life was mine and I should have to do everything I can, to get what I want.

I was unaware before, but I know now, if I were to be with Taehyung, I would have to suffer knowing that I stole him. He wasn't mine to begin with. He was hers, they were together and would continue to be so.

Yet, that idea was beginning to appear far too cruel. I was willing to give up everything, but why is it that, even if I try so hard to not think about him. I can't.

It hurts.

The wedding was to be in a week. A week it would take for him, to get over me. He was perhaps, still in love with Mia. They were an ideal match.

And if the heavens were kind enough, we can in the future be able to forget whatever, took place between us.

And that could only happen if I make myself forget everything about him. Though, it is not easy to forget, the person who offered to you, his hand when your world seemed to be falling apart.

I still remember the first time, I ever held his hand. The feeling of his skin against mine, it wasn't my intention but irrationally my emotions made me imagine that, his was hand was offering me a way out of my sufferings. And I took it pretending that may be a day would arrive, when I would be happy again.

And, that was my first-mistake. I should have never taken that hand, knowing that one day, I may not ever be able to hold it again.

If it wasn't for the constant ringing of the cell phone I would have been lost in my misery of thoughts, which had no end.

Standing up and walking towards the standby where the phone was kept, I picked it up. My eyes widened in alarm, as I stared at the lighting screen.

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