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Even angels have their ends but you take death to new extremes


I HAVE PACKED ALL my stuff, taking a look around in the room for one last time everything has been removed my poster, pictures and paintings this used to be my room, my peace where I cried, when ever mom scolded me or played with dad whenever he came back to home from his business trips everything about this room means so much to my heart, but I have to go now.

Life isn't so precious until something big happens and changes everything, takes away that everything.

It was only a month ago when my mom and dad died in an accident, it was the most breakable time in my life. I was shattered into pieces, I still remember everything like it was yesterday, wounds still fresh that are yet to heal.

With no legal guardian left I was in child care, although I am 17 but still not legal. They looked if there is any far distance relative of mine luckily they found my uncle Kim Taehyung ( Father's friend) at first I was surprised because I thought he used to live in Canada, but surprisingly he lives in Korea. I don't even remember what he looked like. Dad told me once he helped him a lot in the settlement of his businesses, the only thing I remember about him is when I was four years old he came to visit me, because I was very sick.

I took a deep breath this house which I called home, where I've spend seventeen years of my life is now no longer my home, mom was a government worker. So this house belongs to the government which means I don't have any claim over this property.

I picked up my luggage and went down stairs. Taking one last glance around the house if only that didn't happen, I would have mom and dad with me not dead, if only that night I didn't panicked so much. Its all my fault they are dead because of my foolishness.

1 month ago

"Like a butterfly,” loud music being played on the speakers I was dancing to the beat letting the rhythm run through my whole body, with Amanda by my side. She was my best friend when ever since forever.

My eyes pondering to the crowd as I was unable to find Suga.

"Have you seen Suga?,” I whispered yelled cause the music was too loud.

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