My Perfect Match Part 7

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(3 and a half months later)

for the last few months….Miranda has been reading up on baby books, and just taking care of herself. It got harder and harder to hide the baby bump from Jacob after a while because he would video chat her and her stomach was getting huge. At this point shes now six months pregnant…shes gotten really big but shes excited because tomorrow is the day Jacob finally comes home. Sara has been staying with her and organizing things…Miranda dosent know the gender of the baby because she wants to find out with Jacob. So right now its night time….ten to be exact. Sara and Miranda are sitting on the bed talking when all of a sudden the computer rings…Miranda looks and sees that its Jacob…she gives sara the look and sara answers the call while Miranda gets under the covers.

Sara-sup big head

Jacob-*laughs* hi sara…wheres my lady at?

Sara turns the computer so its facing both her and Miranda. Miranda smiles when his eyes light up a little bit from seeing her.

Miranda-*smiles* hey baby

Jacob-hey…I cant wait to see you tomorrow

Miranda-I know im excited too

Sara-….i can see you don’t wanna see me tomorrow

Jacob-you know I love you sara, your like my little sister

Sara-yea yea yea whatever

Jacob-*smiles* anyway, hows my mom doing?

Miranda-shes fine, been resting up and is getting more of her strength back

Jacob-good. So you feeling better after being sick?? You’ve been getting sick a lot

Miranda-yea im fine, its just the um….the food ive been eating

Jacob-you sure??

Miranda-yea babe im sure

Jacob-as long as your ok

Miranda-stop worrying so much…im alright

Sara-yea ive been with her the whole time

Jacob-……you sure your ok Miranda cause you know shes crazy


Jacob-I was joking

Sara-mhmm im sure

Miranda-ok children cut it out

Sara-he started it

Jacob-nu uh

Miranda-hey hey hey both of you shhh or its time out *laughs*

Sara-I swear that school teacher stuff does not leave you

Miranda-no no it dosent

Jacob-*laughs* well I need to go pack, so I will see you both tomorrow. I love both of you

Miranda-we love you too

Sara-eh I like ya…see ya tomorrow, expect a slap on the head

Jacob-yea ok bye



they hang up and Miranda takes the covers from over her revealing her huge stomach.

Miranda-I feel like a mountain

Sara-on the Brightside you’re a cute looking mountain

Miranda-that dosent help

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