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I haven't been to school for two weeks, because two weeks ago I dropped a glass and it shattered all over the ground. Charlie came into visit me...for a while. He didn't stay as long as he usually does. I cried for a long time, because everything hurt. I haven't been out of bed at all. Daddy's been taking care of me though, a little.

He brought me food, 'cause I couldn't get up.

"Boy," He says, thrusting a sandwich at me. I take it graciously. "You do know this is your fault though, don't you? I mean, yeah, I was a bit harsh and all, but if you didn't fucking get on my nerves...I wouldn't have to do things like this to get through to you..."

"Yes, sir," I say softly, taking a weary bit of the sandwich.

"And if you hadn't gone and killed you mother..." His anger seems to be back, and I recoil, nearly dropping my food in the process.

"I'm sorry, sir," I mumble.

"Good," He snarls, "And I hope you're up for it tonight, because Charlie wants to take you out for a drive again, and I said alright. So –"

"Hey brat, wake up."

My eyes snap open and I'm suddenly looking into deep, dark brown eyes that seem to suck me into them. I sit up and almost hit my head on his. He moves out of the way in time and rolls his eyes at me.

"Get the fuck up and take a shower. I'm driving you to school."

He walks back down the hall and I blink. Take a shower... in his shower?

I make my way to the bathroom, relieve myself, and then fully undress before turning on the shower all the way to hot. I then sit on the toilet, it's lid is down, and stare at the toilet paper roll on the opposite wall. His shower. He's taken showers in the very shower I'm about to take a shower in. He's been naked in the very same place I'm naked in.

Wow. Talk about obsession. I sound like some stupid fan girl with a crush.

Hm. It wouldn't surprise me if Seaton had fan girls.

Lauren suddenly pops into my head. I grimace and shake my head clear of those... disturbing thoughts. I stand again and step inside the shower, wincing as the hot water stings my skin, burning my scalp as I step under it.

I grab a washcloth that's hanging on the middle handle of the shower knobs and lather it with lightly with soap and begin to scrub myself clean.

Seaton's washcloth.

He's probably used it to clean himself.

I wash myself until my skin is nearly raw and wash my hair, using as little shampoo and conditioner as possible. My hand brushes my... well... you know, and it feels good. I mean... I haven't really...touched myself in a while. I used to. When Charlie asked me to because he wanted to watch.

Seaton's voice suddenly fills my mind.

"Tell. Me. What. He. Did. To. You!"

Ha. What did Charlie do to me? What didn't he do to me? He's done everything to me, touched me everywhere. That's why I scrub myself so hard, why I make the water so fucking hot, because there isn't a single effing place he hasn't touched and I can still feel his hands. Fuck, I loved his hands.

I loved him.

He was the only one who'd ever cared about me or hugged me or said he loved me. I took comfort in his arms after 'physical training'. If I had been born with a loving family, I wouldn't have needed Charlie. I wouldn't have been love-starved and I wouldn't have done fucking anything to keep him from leaving me.

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