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I hate Wednesdays.

I think, from every Wednesday on, I will always feel this terrible amount of anxiousness, even after today. I woke up around nine in the morning at Mr. Spencer's house and he made me some hot chocolate, which has easily become my favorite drink.

I don't talk at all, which is less than usual, and watch a movie with Mr. Spencer until Seaton decides to pick me up. When the doorbell rings, I really hope it's him and at the same time I want it to be anyone but. I shift nervously as my teacher goes to get the door and sure enough it's him standing there with a cigarette in his lips.

"You got a trash can?" Seaton asks Mr. Spencer, taking a napkin from his pocket and putting the cigarette out in it. Mr. Spencer nods and steps aside.

As the door shuts, Seaton throws the smoked cigarette away and then comes into the living room with me. I haven't looked up since I affirmed who it was at the door. I still can't believe I had that... dream about him. He'd hate me if he knew. He didn't even like kissing me, what if he knew I wanted to do... more?

"Brat," He greets, sitting down in the chair that Mr. Spencer had been sitting in. A lot of people have chairs that are theirs, the place they always sit. That's Mr. Spencer's, so he scowls at Seaton for taking it, but sits next to me.

"Jayden, there's still time to change your mind," Mr. Spencer assured me, but I just keep looking at Jessica Something-Or-Other flirting with the stretchy guy on Fantastic Four.

"No, sir," I respond, although I don't look at either of them.

"Stop trying to get him to change his mind," Seaton snaps at the chemistry expert, "I want this bastard in jail!"

"You think I don't?" Mr. Spencer retorts irately, glaring at Seaton, "For goodness sake, you think you're the only one who cares about Jayden!?"

"I'm the one who did something about his father!" Seaton snarls.

"Right, and how long did you know about the abuse before you 'did something' Mr. Black? Hm?" To this, Seaton just purses his lips, "I thought so."

"Oh fuck you, Spencer," Seaton barks, "You just jealous of me, because Jayden agrees with everything I say instead of you!"

"Oh, you're pulling the 'your just jealous because he likes me more' card?" Mr. Spencer snorts, "Your pathetic."

"Listen, Spencer, if you don't shut up and let this sting operation happen, I'm going to arrest you for obstruction of justice," Seaton sneered cruelly.

"You're not a police officer anymore, genius," my teacher titters in amusement.

"I'll get Jacobs to do it then," Seaton responds. Man, they fight a lot, don't they? It's pretty funny, but it's getting annoying. I try to concentrate on Jessica Something-Or-Other kicking back guy ass.

"Do you always get your friends to fight you battles for you?"

"No, only the trash I'm too good to touch."

Luckily, then, the phone rang. Mr. Spencer stopped in mid-insult and hesitated before getting up to walk into the kitchen to the nearest phone. That left me and Seaton alone in the living room together, which was a place I wanted and didn't want to be. Regrettably, I couldn't keep my eyes away from flickering to Seaton and away from Jessica, and he was already looking at me.

I stayed silent, which I'm sure isn't all too surprising.

"You ready for this?" He asks, raising an elegant eyebrow, "I know you're not ready, ready, but, you know... are you sure you can do it? Spencer's right, you don't... have to..."

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