Past Loves and New Realizations

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"Morning Jayden!"

I snap my eyes open and sit up, yanking my arms up over my head to protect myself. I know to do that if I'm ever woken up by a shout., but I see that I'm not in apartment 334. Instead, I'm in another home. Mr. Spencer's home. I blink and slowly lower my arms.

He's apron? "Sir?"

"Come on, Jayden, you can't waste an entire day," Mr. Spencer grins, recovering from whatever shock he might've had from my violent reaction. I look around and spot a clock...7:36. That isn't too bad.

Mr. Spencer starts to walk out of the room, seeing that I am awake, "Well, breakfast should be ready in fifteen minutes, the shower's in the bathroom right across from your room, and I washed your clothes so they're on the counter next to the sink in there."

"Y... yes, sir," I reply, not really sure how to react to such kindness. He walked out the door quickly to go check on the food.

He really must want something.

There's no other explanation.


I was rewrapping the bandage about ten minutes later, my hair dripping wet so that little beads of water rolled down my neck under my newly washed shirt and down my back. I finish and pull the sleeve down over it. I walk out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and into the living room, shivering slightly from the cold that my dampness attracts.

The kitchen doesn't have a door, but instead it's an extension of the den, so when Mr. Spencer turns around to grab some salt from the island counter, he sees me.

"Jayden! I thought I'd have to retrieve you," He beams at me.

Why? He asked me to be down in fifteen minutes. Why wouldn't I oblige?

"So, I hope you like your eggs scrambled," He says turning around. I can't believe this. Is he really my teacher? It just isn't normal. Why is he doing this? What does he want?

"Yes, sir," I say and stand in the doorway, watching him as he cooks. He's really good at it, and I can tell he has experience. It smells more delicious than it looks. But he is a Chemistry teacher, and Chemistry isn't too different from cooking, which is probably why I'm pretty decent at both.

"Go on and sit down, Jayden," Mr. Spencer suggests, emptying out the food onto two different plates. I follow his instructions, as is my way, and sit down uncomfortably on one of the chairs. It's straight-backed and wooden and has a small blue cushion in the seat of it. This whole house looks like a woman lives here, with everything matching and pictures hanging perfectly on the wall and almost no clutter whatsoever. I'm spending time at a lot of neat-freaks houses, aren't I? First Seaton, and now Mr. Spencer. He picks up the plates and puts one in front of me.

It's more than I'll be able to eat, but I don't say anything and wait for him to begin eating before I start.

"I hope there's enough for you," He says, looking up at me a couple of minutes later, "There's more in the pan if you want."

"Yes, sir," I nod and scoop a bit more egg into my mouth and some sausage as well. His food tastes great and it makes me feel bad, like I don't deserve this kindness. After watching me push around my food for a while, he speaks to me.

"Not really hungry?" He asks, standing and holding out a hand to take my plate to the sink. I open my mouth, but then close it again. I hand him the plate and then I open my mouth again, and this time –thankfully –something comes out.

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