Red Glitter

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My eyes snap open and I'm no longer relaxing in the presence of a sleeping Seaton and a reading Mr. Spencer. I had only been relaxing, but now I'm wide-awake, and I bet you can guess who made the sound.

"Jayden, Jayden, Jayden!" Linda squeals, jumping up and down, and struggling against the arms wrapped around her. It is, thankfully, Corin holding her back so she doesn't jump me, or eat me or... something. Her scream woke up Seaton, and I'm sort of mad at her for it, but of course I don't let it show.

"Jesus Christ," Seaton snarls, "You'll wake up the people who just died!"

"Is that a bad thing?" Linda asks, shaking her head, then she twisted her head around to look at Corin, "You can let go now. I'm not going to jump on him when he's shot."

"Right," Corin says dubiously, but he lets her go anyway. "How long have you been awake, Jayden?"

"Um...." I really have no idea... but that's too many words. I think 'um' gets the same meaning across.

"Around four hours," Mr. Spencer answers for me. Linda and Suki gasp.

"You didn't call us!?" They shout simultaneously, and I winced. God their voices are so high-pitched and loud. Linda adds, "He –He was shot!"

As if that wasn't obvious.

"I'm aware of that," Mr. Spencer says calmly, "And please keep it down. That nurse is getting on my nerves..."

"Hm," Seaton agrees nodding, "Jayden went back to sleep not to long after."

"Humph," Linda crosses her arms, still unnerved. Corin shook his head, sighed and then looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me and I shrug uncomfortably. Gosh, I hate everyone worrying about me. Although it's been happening a lot lately, I'll never be used to the attention.

"Okay," I reply when the shrug doesn't satisfy him.

"I can't believe you've been here this long," Suki sighs, putting her hands on her hips and swinging her hair over her shoulder with a twist of he neck. "It's like, what, the sixteenth?"

"Seventeenth," Mr. Spencer corrects with a look at his watch.

I... no way... what? Seriously? It's the seventeenth of February? That... wow. Huh. I can't help but let my eyes widen a fraction and damn it Seaton caught it. Of course he did, the fucking ex-cop.

"What was that?" He demands, sitting up straight and leaning toward my bed, "What's so significant about today?"

"Nothing..." I tell him but he stands up and with me lying on the bed, he's so much taller then I am. The way he towers of me is intimidating.

"Brat," He growls, his voice softer and deeper, rumbling in the back of his throat. I flush and duck my head.

"Fine," I sigh, crossing my arms self-consciously and begging whatever entity in control of reactions to not let them go crazy over this, "It's... my birthday."

Seaton blinks slowly, staring at me, silent. Apparently he'd been expecting something more morbid and shocking, not something as normal as a birthday. I successfully avoid eyes contact, and a squeal cuts off anything the Master Hypnotist might have said.

"Oh my god!" Linda cries out jumping up happily, "Come on, we've all got to go get him presents! Me, Corin and Su will go first, M'kay?"

"No, don't –" I start, but it's no use. She's already out the door, dragging Corin and Suki by their hands. I look up at Seaton, pouting, "I blame you."

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