Mission (Chapter 1)

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Hello I'm Clara and believe it or not I'm what humans call a werewolf, yes you heard me correct a werewolf and no I was not bitten I was born a werewolf, from werewolf parents most werewolves are born a werewolf not turned into one, it's much harder to turn a human into a werewolf then what's in the movies we don't just bite them and they turn into a werewolf, we have to go through much more than that.

Anyway let's stop talking about what I am and start talking about who I am, I'm seventeen almost eighteen, I have two siblings one younger and one older there both boys but my mom has another on the way girl luckily!!!my older brother is one year older than me.

his name is Jackson and my younger brother is four years younger his name is Noah and the baby to be is going to be named Oliva cute right me and my mom picked it out and everyone said it was cute and they liked it so we stuck with it!

Oh, I almost forgot my Moms name is Emma my Dad's name is Logan my mother is 6 months in by the way, now let's stop talking and start my life!

Monday mourning

"Clara wake up its time for school come down for breakfast!" my mom yells from downstairs.

"Ugh OK, MOM!!!" I yell rubbing my eyes.

"Oh ok, sweetie!!!" she yells back.

I get dressed in the first outfit I find which is a crop top that has a little yellow and white flower on the small pocket on my chest, and a pair of normal blueish jeans with some short black boots.

I walk downstairs and see my little brother in his wolf from running around the living room like a wild animal he knows he is not supposed to be in our wolf form in the house yet he is doing it anyway his wolf form is a light gray almost white with brown patches of fur.

"Noah hun are you ready for breakfast!!!" my mom yells from the kitchen even though we can hear her if she whispers because we have wolf hearing.

"He is in his wolf form mom." I talk like a normal person ok not so normal like a normal werewolf.

"Oh tell him to change back please." she responses.

"Noah CHANGE BACK!!!" I yell to get his attention and he stops and looks at me.

He whines then mind links me. "but sis I'm in my wolf form I will not be wearing clothes."

"Then go upstairs and do it," I suggest and he pouts.

"Fine!" he yells then runs upstairs.

"BTSSSSSSH" a big crash from my dad's office startles me.

"Dad, you ok?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Not partially." my dad answers back I head to his office and look at him.

"What's wrong"? I ask curiously.

"Well there's a rogue on the loose and alpha has called me in." my dad is third in command so he HAS to go.

"Is brother coming?" I asked raising a brow.

"Yes...you are to of course." I look at him happily.

You see the oldest goes on the most missions so I'm normally left out so I'm excited!!

"Whoop I get to skip school!!!" I kind of yell.

"OH NO YOUR NOT!!!" my mom yells from the kitchen.

"Mom you're going to get a rouge!" I say spinning.

"What...a rogue..." she comes in holding a dish towel with a concerned look on her face.

"Ya...we have to go the alpha called." my dad says with a pained look on his face.

"I'm ready." my brother says coming in.

"Ok I'll get ready so I'll be right back one sec," I say walking out the door to head upstairs.

I walk up the steps a passed my brother he looks at me with a frown on his face.

"What's up bro why you pouting?" he looks at me.

"Because you get to go and I don't." he pouts once more.

"Your only twelve you can barely even control your wolf you can't go sorry." I ruffle his hair and he hugs me I smile a small smile.

"Ok just don't get killed ok I'll miss you." I pat his head.

"I won't." he looks at me.

"Promise?" he asks.

"Promise." I hug him then give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Ok," he says kind of sad.

"I have to go I'll see you later ok?" I say smiling a sad smile.

"Sure," he says then walks downstairs.

I go into my room and put on more battle appropriate clothes, I get camouflage pants and a sleeveless gray shirt and a light green sweatshirt that I tie around my waist.

I hear my brother footsteps coming upstairs soon he is standing in the doorway.

"Ready girly?" he says smirking.

"Look whos talking I saw you in a pink T-shirt this morning," I say smirking.

"So pink doesn't have to be a girl color men can wear it to," he says leaning on my door frame.

"Whatever let's go," I say walking past his big finger.
"Ok grumpy pants," he says turning around.

"So where's the rough hiding?" I ask walking down the steps.

"North of us about two miles." I look at him and nod.

"You to ready?" my dad asks.

"Ya one question are we going in our wolf forms?"

"Were faster in are a wolf, and we need to get there as fast as possible." my dad says.

"YES! I punch the air." cool. my brother says trying to sound cool.

"Bye kids are careful don't die on me now you hear me!?" my mom says shaking her hand back and forth sticking out her pointer finger.

"We promise mom,"I and my brother say in unison.

"Good and stay safe honey." my mom kisses my dad on the cheek.

"Ok hun." my dad kisses her on the forehead. "we have to go bye. my dad says patting her head then walking out the door we follow.

"Bye." my mom waves then shut the door.

"Ok kids change into your wolf forms Clara behind the car and Jackson behind that bush." we nod and head to are spots, I take off my clothes as fast as I can then transform my bones crack and pop making other unnatural eerie noises.

"WHOO sounds like someone ran you over!"

"Well, at least it doesn't hurt!"

You see when you first start transforming into your wolf it hurts, I started at seven which is pretty young most start at eight or nine. But with third in command blood, the age is lower.

"Stop doodling we have to go now." my dad says sternly.

"RIGHT!" we say in unison.

It All Started With The "Rogue." (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now