bench confessions

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Edwin's POV

We arrive at the hotel and just as we did I got the message from Sydney . I smiled to myself when she asked to meet up . I really missed hanging out with her and I was very excited .

Tiffany was laying on the bed sound asleep .

" She's so peaceful " Zion says sitting down on the couch .

"Yeah " I say and then I take the car keys of the car we rented .

"Where you of too?"he asks and I look at Tiffany .

"Clear my head " I say and he nods .

I was expecting questions but nothing .

I looked at Tiffany once more . She was going to be a mother of a child that wasn't mine . I was about to go see her best friend who I love . A part of me felt bad leaving Tiffany here but I really wanted to see Sydney .

Tiffany did deserve someone to love her but that someone couldn't be me , or could it . I was confused . I really did want to be there for Tiffany . I could be there for her now anyway because Sydney is going to get married .

I leave the hotel and get into the white BMW that was rented for us . Nick mainly drove the cars which was dangerous . Nick is a fast driver and also very angry on the road . Who is always speeding which is fun but sometimes we all get a bit scared .

Zion's POV

I watch Tiffany sleep . She looked so peaceful as she laid there .

My heart just began to beat faster when I realized she woke up .

"Z"she says fluttering her eyebrows and I walk over the the bed .

"Hey"I smile and she smiles back at me .

"Where's Edwin ?" She asks and I sigh .

"Why can't you just be happy to see me ?"I ask her and she laughs .

"Because you impregnated me " she laughs and I stare at her . She realizes what she said and stared at me with big eyes .

"Zion , I'm sorry "she whispers and I shake my head .

"It hurts me everyday to see him touch you . To think that he is going to the father of my child . I helped make that child not him . Tiff , I just want you to have a good life " I tell her and she sighs .

"Zion , I don't want to argue with you now just tell me where my boyfriend is " she says getting mad and I laugh .

"How must I know , he rushed out of here " I say and she shakes her head .

"Maybe he went to the store " she says lying to herself . She knew the truth . He was starting with his games again .

"When are you going to see that Edwin is a liar ?"I say .

"His your best friend , Zion . Don't speak about him like that . No matter who the father is of my child , you guys will always be best friends . Don't ruin your friendship because of some girl " she begins and I roll my eyes .

"But you're not some girl Tiffany ! You're the love of my life . You make me the man I am . You're my inspiration and everyday I wake up because I get to see your beautiful smile . Why can't you see this ?" I say feeling tears falling out of my eyes .

Betrayal - Edwin Honoret Where stories live. Discover now