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Guys I changed Maddox's name back to Ronnie I'm sorry but I can't name him anything else Ronnie is his name and it definitely suits him 😭

"Hi little sister" he said with a big cheesy smile as I mentally rolled my eyes but still managed to smile back.

"Hi asshole" I said back and he placed his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt. He then peered over my shoulder eyeing my apartment.

After he looked around he locked eyes with what I'm assuming is Gus because he definitely didn't look happy as he pushed past me and stormed in.

"No definitely just come in, it seems like everyone else does" I mumbled again as turned around and shut the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked rudely as he looked Gus up and down.

Gus looked uninterested and definitely not scared as he just leaned further back into the couch looking Ronnie up and down in return.

"I'm Bris boyfriend" he said with a smug smile.

My eyes widen from behind my brother as I mouthed curse words to Gus over his shoulder I motioned that I was going to kill him as well.

He looked at me and winked then went back to looking at my brother.

My brother slowly turned around and gave me a questionable look.

"Boyfriend?" He asked his emotions unable to read.

"He isn't my boyfriend" I started to say but was cut off.

"Then what is he?" He asked with an even more unreadable look on his face.

"He's a friend- that's it" I said shifting on my foot as I become uncomfortable under his intense stair that he was currently giving me.

"I mean the way you bounce on this" he started but my eyes grew wide as I quickly sprinted over to him and sat on his lip shoving my lips into his.

"Well I mean yea I guess you could say he's my boyfriend" I say trying to shift the conversation from where it was going.

Gus mumbled profanities as my brother gave me a wide eye look that had me feeling under all types of pressure.

"You have some explaining to do" my brother said sternly as he picked up his bags.

"But until then- where am I ducking staying?" He asked looking around my apartment.

"You'll be staying in the spare bedroom on an inflatable mattress because I don't have another bed" I said as I scratched the back of my head knowing what was about to come.

"No spare bed? Then what's the point of having a guest bedroom?" He asked and I mentally rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time today.

See my brother was in a band in his early days and is now I guess you could say rich and has this nice big ol house to himself and meanwhile I'm the younger sister who wasn't in a band and still struggles to pay monthly rent in her small two bedroom apartment.

"You're so Hollywood" I mumbled under my breath (who got the reference?)

"Well I'm going to go unpack then we can go out for lunch because I'm starving" he said as he began to head for the spare bedroom and I was getting ready to kick Gus's ass out when this tall goofy looking dumbass turned around and opened his big ass mouth.

"Oh and I guess the little SoundCloud rapper can come" he said as he walked into the room and I mentally threw a chair a my brother.

"Guess we get to spend some quality time together today" Gus said with a smirk and I forced a smile.

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