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Hello guys this is my second hunterxhunter fan fiction ! Well I hope you like it ! I do not own hunter x hunter but I would have liked some romance and more adventures up in there so I decided to add a little jk maybe a lot more of everything in there so enjoy !
By the way I made up my own gods but some of the names were from Greek gods so yea .......


Gods have been looking down and observing humans for billions of year. They watched us take are first steps and build our first weapons to houses . They watched us evolve as the first ever race with actual intelligence.

They were fascinated by the way we were able to actually think like them . They took in interest on us humans . But after watching for hundreds of years they believed that the human race had potential but weren't using it to the max . They grew bored and weary of humans slow way of making things better . Unlike humans the gods had amazing powers that allowed them to do so much more .

The gods decided to drop a small percentage of their power down to earth to help the humans out. The power spread like disease. Many humans began to use this thing called nen . But the humans weren't using this ability to the best .

Instead of using it to evolve their world they used it to fight against another . Which the gods found quite funny . They began to watch all the calamity and blessings the power gave to the humans .

After a while the gods began to get disappointed at how the humans had so much potential but wasted it . The humans had one good thing on their side and it was the fact that they were entertaining.

For the gods they were like ants . Imagine looking at an ants layer for years and you notice every single little change as they make their colonies bigger , stronger , and better . The gods grew bored and hungry for a human to pass human expectations and create a legacy . A legacy that would leave even the gods dumbfounded.

After years the gods waited but nothing ......
then the god of wisdom proposed an idea .
Not just a regular idea but an idea that would change the world of humans .

"Why don't we just create the human child ourselves ?" God of wisdom proposed .
All the gods began to murmur in amazement at the marvelous idea before them .

After hours of discussing it the gods all agreed on making a child in benefit for their entertainment and good of humanity .

They all put their powers together creating a miracle . A human baby was born.

Even though the baby was human she was born with fox ears representing she was made by the almighty gods . Which was a blessing for her .

The gods all awed as they looked at the child that was going to change the world of humans .

"Well how are we sure she's going to change the world if the only thing different about her is that we made her and she has ears ?!" The god of elements said with a little bit of concern in her voice .

"She's right ." Whispers and doubts began to fill the large temple were the gods called home .

"Silence !" Yelled hellious the god of gods who controlled the galaxies . "We shall all give her a gift so that she will accomplish her mission ." He continued with a serious tone .

The gods then gave each other stares as they glance at the tiny baby in the middle of the huge room . The first to walk up was the god of love and beauty .

"My blessing for you is to have beauty incomparable to any other your entire life " she said as she gave the child a kiss on her forehead .

Next went up the god of elements . She had a flustered look as she look at the tiny child . She really enjoyed kids .she felt extra grateful and decided to give the baby unimaginable power.
"I bless you with the control of all earthly elements , that you will awaken when you learn nen" she smiles and hugs the baby and rubs her cheeks against hers .

She places the baby down and walks away kind of sad . Next walked up the god of strength and power .

"I bless you with the ability of having strength and stamina like no other !" The god giggles as he taps the baby's forehead and walks away .

Next came the god of wisdom and good choices . He smiles down at the miniature human . "I bless you with the ability of making smart choices and smart mentality ." He then taps the baby's hand and walks back to his seat .

After him the god of planets made his way to the center . He quickly taped the child on its tummy . He smiled and said "I bless you with a passion for adventure and good personality " he wears a chinker smile as he walks back to his throne .

Then came the god of time . "I bless you with the ability to see your opponents movements as if time has slowed down when your fighting ." She says as she pokes the baby's cheek.

She makes her way back to her seat trying to hide the fact that's she's happy but a little smile escaped her face .

Then the god of rage and war ...... she looked down at the child and smirked . "Well since you look like someone who will be fighting a lot I like you . I bless you with the will to never give up and fight for what you believe is right ." She squishes the child's cheek and smirks on her way back .

Last but not least the god of the gods hellious came up to the child that was still sound asleep . "Your quite a lucky child . But I seem to like you so I'll give you a special blessing . " hellious then kisses the baby on its little hand and makes his way back to his throne . He smirks as he sits .

The other gods look at him in surprise .
"What did you bless her with ?" God of planets asks.

"You will just have to wait and see" he laughs a bit . Knowing that he has made his blessing a mystery the other gods start to think about how exciting this has become . They think of the child as a main character in a movie .

All the gods make a magic circle around the baby to send her to the realm of earth .

After preforming the ritual the places the gods put there blessing in began to glow on the child each with a different color .

All of them looked surprised not thinking this would happen then the child vanished .

The gods stare at We're the baby was a second ago . Then the god of wisdom begins to laugh out loud . "She's already surprising us right ?"

The gods all make there way back to there thrones . Some with smirks on their faces and some with confused ones .

Where did the baby go ? Who knows find out in the next chapter ! ;)

Words : 1197

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