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My eyes flutter open and Peeta's face is in mine.

"Time for our date, Katniss." He whispers. I smile and give him a hug. Then a thought hits me.

"I need to get ready! I'm not even dressed and i haven't braided my hair yet today!" I force myself upwards and Peeta pulls me back down.

"Don't worry Kat. You can wear whatever you want on this date. You don't even need to get ready." He says. I refuse to go without getting ready, so I get off the couch and into our bedroom. I pick out a shirt that some people would say is revealing, and tight pants. I always wear tight pants but usually I just wear a dirty teeshirt. I get ready and go back to Peeta. He looks really hot with his hair messed up the way it is and wearing the clothes he rarely uses. He holds a Primrose and give is to me. I tear up and gladly take it. Walking hand in hand, he leads me to the woods, to the meadow. He walks past the meadow and I follow him, not knowing what he is doing. Peeta stops at a beautiful place in the woods with a stunning view. He has set up a small table with sandwiches and drinks and logs for us to sit on. Beckoning me towards the log, he lights a candle on the table. When he sits, we have small chit-chat and suddenly it becomes serious.

"About last night ....." he starts, but I stop him.

"I meant all of it."

"I know you do and so did I. I love you more than anything.  I just thought we should talk about when we are ready for this commitment."

I think hard and answer firmly, "Now. I'm ready now."

He smiles and I smiles back. I will never forget this moment in my life. The moment when I just confirmed to have another kid now. Well not RIGHT now, but today or this week.


"Tomorrow." I reply and then i add in, "I'll ask Haymitch to take Rose again. I'm sure he will argee to it if some liquor is involved." 

The rest of dinner, we eat in peace. We give each other kisses and tell each other some feelings, and we walk home. Honestly, I want him tonight. I want to have another kid tonight. But I agreed tomorrow, and i can wait until then. When I change, I purposely put on one of my most revealing nightgowns, and hope he will notice. I can't tell his emotions when he looks at me, but I sleep on his bare chest and listen to his heart beat. Soon enough he is sleeping. For some reason I can't though. Memories flood back to me and I have a silent tear. It rolls down my cheek, onto him and i cry myself to sleep, the first time since I had Rose.


I've come to a decision! ..... The first chapter is very long :3 The rest of the chapters will probably be this legnth. VOTE! COMMENT!

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now