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I am more scared than curious to see what they are talking about that involves me. I sit on the couch and begin to braid my hair, slower than usual, so they don't think I over heard them saying my name. Rose comes over to me and I do her hair too. She sits on my lap and when I was done with her hair, she carefully lays on me. I put my hands around her neck and she closes her eyes and rests. I feel my child's warmth radiating through me, and I don't let go until she asked, and even then, I hesitate. I don't want to let her go. Gale and Peeta come out of the kitchen laughing and Gale reaches the door.

"Bye Catnip! Bye Peeta!"

"Bye." we call out in unison.

I turn to Peeta.

"What were you guys talking about?" I demand.

"Uhh .... ummm" This is the first time I have ever seen Peeta at a loss of words. He continues, "We were talking about something important I need to uhhh ask you." Then he runs out the door.

I suddenly become nervous. I have an idea of what he may be asking me; to marry him. When we had Rose, it was so unexpected and it was an accident. It did pay off though. Before I had Rose, Peeta and I had been closer than ever. Every night we would tell each other sappy romantic things and do sappy romantic things. We were hopelessly in love then. I guess before Rose, he hadn't had the time to ask. Once she was born, she was a fussy baby. All she liked to do was cry and cry and cry. That would occupy us for the next couple years of our life. Now would be the time he would ask. I love Peeta more than anything, but am I ready for this commitment? I mean, I gave birth to his kid, I think I would be ready by now. We act like a married couple, but the only thing missing is the rings and documents. My eyes tear of happiness and Rose comes barrelling into me.

"Did you hear that?!?! Daddy is gonna ask you to marry him!" She screams with delight.

How would she know that? She wasn't ...... no .....

"You weren't .... easedropping .... were you, Rose?"

She giggles, "Maybe. But that doesn't matter! You are gonna get married, Mommy! MARRIED!!!"

I laugh as she spins her dress, running up and down the hallway. Her dress flowed the same way mine did at the interview.

"Were you just trying to be Mommy at the interviews?" I say

"Maybe! Or I was acting to be the bride in a flowly amazing super duper pretty white dress ABOUT TO GET MARRIED!!!!"

It's going to be interesting when SHE gets married! I shiver at the thought. She is only 6, don't rush the time, Katniss. I pick Rose up and put she on the couch, tickling, her as her face turns red from laughter. Suddenly, she gets serious.

"Mommy, will you say yes to Daddy?"

"Of course I will! Of course!" I exclaim, overjoyed.

Peeta walks through the door again, calm and collected. I try not to smile and act unusual. I give him a kiss on the cheek and prepare myself.

"Katniss, wanna go on a date tomorrow?"

I nod, overjoyed. He smiles quickly and thoroughly.

"Great. Tomorrow, You and I are going to a private beach in 4 while Rose goes to Haymitch's." He explains, still calm.

Rose waggles her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes. It feels like it's bigger news for her than for me! I hug Peeta and he kisses my neck. Soon, it's time for us to sleep. Rose wants me to sing to her, so I do.

"Are you, Are you, coming to the tree,

Where they strung up a man they say murdered 3?

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree!"

Her eyes droop, and soon she is asleep. I am very tired so I change into pajamas quickly and go straight to bed, knowing the next day I will be engaged. I love you, Peeta

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now