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This is for Grace to cheer her up!

Peace, love and Hunger Games,




I wake to a crying baby as I remember I had my twins. I can SEE past my stomach again! I turn over and grab Ashton that's crying next to me. Grabbing him gingerly, I sing a lullaby. Rue's lullaby. Then, he falls fast asleep in my arms. I rock him for a bit longer, put him in his crib and drift off again.

This time, I woke when i felt someone touching my shoulder. My eyes spring open to meet Peeta next to me. Yawning dramatically, I speak up.

"Goodmorning Peeta!"

"Morning, beautiful! How was your sleep?"

"Alright I guess. What about you?"

"I couldn't sleep at all."


"Because you weren't there."

He grins sheeplishly and I lean upwards to kiss his nose.

"Now that you're un-pregnant, you can move again!"

"Un-pregnant? Really?"

"Hey! Works in all the different ways!"

"How so?" I question.

"Well you can move again, we have amazing new kids, I can get more kisses, you can feel like yourself again, I can get more kisses, you can do things on your own ; not that I'm complaining on any level. Oh and did I mention I can get more kisses?"

I chuckle a bit as he makes his everlasting list.

"Guess what?" I say.


"I won't be pregnant for our wedding." I say, looking into my lap.

"Do you want to be pregnant for our wedding? I can help with that. I promise I won't complain too mu-"

"Oh just stop it already! I kinda wanna be normal for my wedding. And NO more kids." I say, grinning.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Are you sure you're pretty sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Should have paid more attention to that last time then." He says to himself.

"Does that mean that I can't get you anymore?" He asks innocently to me.

"Oh shush, you can have me whenever you want. Just not a double package with you please."

"Can I have you now?"


"But you said anytime I wanted I could! You lied, Katniss!"

He has a linguring smile as I try to think a clever way out. Then, Iris starts crying.

"Oh, look at the time. Your turn, big boy. I had them all night!"

I exaggerrate having to deal with them all night. I pretend to be extra tired so he'll take care of her. He sighs and runs over to the crib.

"Come here you!" Peeta cooos to our girl.

He comforts her so much quicker than I did with Ashton and puts her in Ashton's crib with him.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Calm her so quickly."

"I don't know, I just do."

He shrugs it off.

"See! You're arms are magical!"

He laughs at me!

"Hey! Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the kids! Look in the crib!"

I bend over to examine what he is talking about. Ashton is on top of Iris, squirming to get off. His arms, legs and head are risen and flail around. Iris is still asleep, oblivous to Ashton. I giggle loudly and she wakes. Iris notices the extra weight and beings to cry.

"Alright, party's over now."

I pick up Ashton and place him next to Iris again. Iris knocks back out right after he's off of her.

"Ah, that girl reminds me of you, Kat."

"What?! She's NOTHING like me!"

"She's too alike you. But okay, whatever you say!"

He comes over and sits on my bed. He leans down to give me one gentle kiss and a loving hug. I return them and suddenly feel really tired again. I yawn.



I lay back in bed and close my eyes. He swipes the hair from my eyes and combs through it with his delicate fingers.

"Tell me a story." I say, unfazed by my rudeness.

I can feel Peeta grinning and begins.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who fought for her life everyday. She wasn't the richest, in fact she was among the poorest. Almost every guy liked her in school because she was just so perfect. One day, a little and shy boy by the name of the Baker's son, saw this girl. He knew right away that she was amazing inside and out. He could just tell she was the one .... if he could talk to her. Later on in the years, her father died and she was left to be the head of the household for her mom, sister, goat and cat. She couldn't do it. Slowly and painfully, she was starving to death. The girl went over to the wealthier part of town and went searching the trashcans, only to find crisp air. She gave up and sat under the tree in the center of town. The Baker's son saw her and had to help. After all, she would be the mother of his children someday. He purposely burned the bread a bit and threw it to her. She eyed it to see if she could trust this boy and then ran away with the bread. The boy was beaten raw for this act of kindness, as his family wasn't rich either. He boy was sick and beaten for days and days. But it was the best sacrifice he made for his princess. Now, the girl and the boy have 3 beautiful kids and live as the wealthiest in all the land; money wise, fame wise and love wise. The end."

I grin, half asleep and he kisses my forehead. Before I fall asleep I hear him saying;

"Goodnight my princess. I love you."

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now