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Everyone congratulates us but honestly, I just wanna go home and sleep. When the peopke stop coming, he slowly and carefully make our way out of the crowd and start to go down to the beach. I think people know we are leaving, because I hear whispers and feel fingers pointing at us. I also hear a couple of awwwhhs, but I ignore all of it. Peeta grabs my hand as we walk silently down. My wedding dress trails behind me and it makes tracks in the sand. I feel beautiful. I have my shoes taken off so the sand runs through my toes. Nothing could disturb this emotional moment. We walk hand in hand all the way down to the edge of the water and sit down so our feet are in. With no words, we just watch the beach and the sunset. The water makes amazing noises as the waves crash down close to shore. At one point, a small fish tries to nibble my toe, but swims away after realizing I'm not food. For around 20 minutes we sit, doing nothing but enjoying ourselves. Then, he is the first to speak.

"Katniss Mellark. I like it."

"I like it too."

I grin from ear to ear.

"You're beautiful, did you know that?"

"I didn't until you told me. I felt pretty... pretty happy and lucky."

He tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Me too. I'm the luckiest."

"Nuh-uh. I am!

"Oh no, I am!"

"Nope, I am!"

"Not possible because I am!"

"Too bad, you are wrong, because I am!"

"Uhh ... You wish you were but I am!"

"...that was the worst one yet!" I laugh.

"Hey! You left me with nothing! Everything good was all used up!"

"Sure, blame the luckiest one. Now shut up and kiss me!"

"Now the luckiest one is going to kiss you."

Right after he says you, his lips come to mine. The familiar movement still gives me goosebumps and makes my heart race. He makes me explode on the inside. Our lips move perfectly in sync and we eagerly get each others' tounges into a fight. Even though I never win, it's always worth the shot. His hands comes up to my hair where he unclips the exquisite style. The hair comes tumbling to my shoulders. I wrap around him and put my arms around his neck. His left hand caresses my face and the other runs through my hair. Just then, I hear a quiet snap over the waves. I open my eyes lazily to find guests and cameras everywhere. I quickly, but not eagerly, broke away and motioned Peeta to look next to us. He looks confused at first, but then looks. Everyone laughs at us.

"Those will be some gorgeous pictures to upload on my website! Thanks guys!" A lady with a camera says.

Oh great, this will be EVERYWHERE. I see Haymitch behind the crowd and look him in the eye. He winks with a smirk on his drunken face and I fall backwards onto the sand. Oh boy, we've been caught red handed. Now, the whole country will see us. Well.... too bad. It was good while it lasted.

"Can we have a couple more minutes?"

"You guys have a honeymoon, come back to the wedding and have fun with your guests!"

"Ughhh alright." I moan.

Everyone backs off and we slowly get back to the party.

"Ughh come on Katniss, we have to go back to the party. I'll see you later tonight." Peeta says.


We walk silently up to the party and find ourselves in front of a long, and modern limo. Everyone is smiling at us and watches our surprised faces.


Effie comes out of the car and screams that in the odd capitol accent she has developed.

"You didn't have to-"

"Nonsence! I wouldn't live with myself without giving my little friends an amazing honeymoon adventure!"

It takes all I have not to laugh.

"Okay, as long as you are not going past what is reasonable for you." I respond.

"It was nothing. Now go! Enjoy your time!"

She shoos us into the limo and shuts the door.

"Uh, well that was a bit ...."

"Unexpected? Odd?"

"Exactly the words I was looking for."

He puts his arm around me and fall into a sound sleep as soon as his comforting arms wrap very tightly around me.


This book is nearly over in around 1-2 chapters! I'll have my closing peach after the last chapter :)

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,


Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now