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Before you read this chapter, I am on vacation in my grandparents driveway :3

I won't be posting as much, that means.

Oh! And I dedicated this is emmagcain because of her super enthusiasuim :)

Peace, love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3



I wake in a hospital with Rose right beside me. Air tubes are going up her nose and she seems so peaceful but in reality, she's still passed out. The sheets make wrinkling noises as I shift positions. A nurse with long black hair and soft brown eyes comes in the room as she hears me stirring and scurries to my side.

"How are you feeling Miss Everdeen?"

"I'm fine. Where is Peeta? What's wrong with Rose?"

"Mr. Mellark has been out in the waiting room for hours until one of you woke up. Now he's being sent to your room. Your daughter is still unconious and has a concussion but nothing life threatening or damaging."

I sigh of relief.

"When do you think we'll be discharged?"

"It depends on how well your recovery goes. I assume Rose will stay longer due to how young she is and the damage done to her body."

Just then, Peeta runs into the room and stands at the other side of the bed, out of breathe.

"I'm so sorry Katniss I didn't know wha-"

"Peeta, it's not your fault."

"But it is my fault! I threw Rose into th-"

"PEETA! I said it's not your fault!"

"I just feel so bad for-"

"Peeta! There is no need to feel bad. The capitol did this to you. We're both going to be alright, this nurse here said so. I'm alright, I promise."

He gives me his hand and I squeeze it as the nurse tells everything I heard before to Peeta. After she's done, she checks Rose's and my vitals then leaves the room.

"You sure that you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I bet I ruined your plans for us today also."

"That's alright. We can do it when we get out of here."

"Of course I ruined it. Do you mind if I ask what we were going to do?"

"Ask away."

"Uh .... so what were we going to do?" He says with a grin on his face.

"We were just gonna hang for the day around 12 and do stuff we haven't done for a while. Like go to the lake with Rose and do what you want. We can do that tomorrow because I assume we are getting out of this dungeon today."

"Oh. Sounds fun. And yeah I think so too."

About 10 seconds after nobody speaks, Rose wakes.

"Hi Mommy. Hi Daddy."

"Rose, I'm soooo sorry I did that!"

"It's alright. Can we leave now? I want to celebrate Daddy's birthday!"

"I wish we could. I can get the doctor to check if you're ready." I say.

"Yeah! Daddy, can you get the doctor?"

"Of course." He says and departs the room.

We stay silent until he comes back in the room with the doctor.

"Looking at their statuses, they should be able to leave whenever they want. Just take it easy."

We fill out papers and before we know it, we are back home. Let the fun begin.

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