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We sit on the log and he plays with my hair. I still wear my bra and underwear from swimming. I braid flower vines together and tie that to make a loop. The delacate white flowers are about the size of Rose's palm. They climb up the vine and the vine comes together in my knotted loop. It looks beautiful enough to fit a princess. I try putting it on my head to see how it will look. I see my reflection in the water. I look like the princess that should be wearing the crown. I smile at that thought.

"You're amazing, Katniss." Peeta says, staring into my eyes.

"Thank you ..... Peeta? Wanna come into the water with me again?" I ask.

"Kat, it's a bit cold, don't you think? Considering it is midnight ..... a bit late also."

Please?" I plead.

"Fine. I can't see you upset."

I jump into the lake and surface. It is a bit cold, just like Peeta said. Peeta bends over and grabs something sinking in the water.

"Wouldn't want to lose this." He exclaims, picking up my crown of flowers from the water.

He places to next to him and touches the water with the tips of his fingers.

"Katniss, this is really cold. I don't think we should be in here, it's colder than usual."

"You said you would come in with me!"

"I didn't know it was THIS co- WAAAOOO" He says as i push him into the pond.

Laughing, he comes back up out of the water. He flicks his hair and water comes into my eyes when he does so.

"Oh, so we are going to play this game, huh? Okay, I'll play ...." he taunts as he swims towards me.


Peeta splashes water on me and my head gets wet. I being shivering instantly. Brrrr! I splash back, but he just goes underwater to dodge the blow since he is already wet. Instead, he comes up behind me and splashes me on the back of my head. My hair blocks my neck from getting too wet, but my hair is drenched!

"Remember, you're the one who pushed me in first. Here, splash me once and we're even."

He comes out from behind me and he wades through the pond until he is in front of me. He extends his arms and i focus on his bare chest to aim at. I wave a lot of water and it comes crashing down on him. He laughs and comes over to me.

"Better have some dinner, huh?"

He grabs onto my waist and lifts me effortlessly onto land. He climbs up onto the land also. We put on our clothes and I grab my hidden bow and arrows. The animals aren't as smart since Gale and I stopped hunting, so I readied my bow and shot a easy game. The group of birds fly out of the tree at one of their commrads dead, and I shoot another unlucky one. That should be enough to eat. Peeta starts a fire as I fix the birds. The birds are a quick fix and I toss them one by one to Peeta. He skewers them and places them over the fire. While he cooks the game, I gather some Katniss roots around the pond. I toss them to Peeta again and he begins to roast them. While I wait for them to cook, I lay back on the log and close my eyes. I brush my hair off the log and it sways down to the ground. I don't think while I lay there until I feel Peeta lightly kiss my lips.

"Sorry, you just looked so beautiful."

"There's nothing to apologize for." I say.

He pauses to take the food off the fire.

"Your food is ready, madāme!"

"Good, I am starving!"

I sit up and Peeta hands me my bird. I rip off the wing and wait for Peeta to get his off the fire before I take a bite. I chomp hungrily into the meat and flavor fills my mouth. These are nice birds.

"Mmmmm nice cooking, Bread Boy!"

"Nice pickings, Girl on Fire!"

I smile and continue to eat. When Peeta first takes a bite of his katniss roots, I scream playfully.

"AHHHH!" I squeal.

"What? What Katniss!"

"You're eating me!" I say, compressing a laugh.

Peeta shows a confused face and looks at me like I'm a fire breathing unicorn.

"Stop looking at me that way! It's scaring me! Those roots you're eating are katniss roots! They are the plant I was named after."

"Well, all Katniss' are yummy!"

I burst out laughing and so does he. I fall backwards off the log and laufh even harder. Soon, my stomach hurts from laughing so much. But soon enough, the night will turn even better.


Hey you! Yeah you! No, not you! YOU! Can you vote and comment PLEASE! I vant feedback ;) Or I shall stop this story :) SHANKS! C:

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,


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