Part 11-FINAL

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7 YEARS LATERAnakin is busy training the kids when he gets a message from his former master Obi Wan Kenobi. "Master Skywalker, I have terrible news. It's about padme." Anakin was scared and surprised. "Padme has left the republic, joined emperor palpatine. I'm so sorry anakin" anakin's eyes were filled with tears as well as the children's eyes. They were little, but they knew what the power of the dark side was.
Months after the news, anakin finds himself attempting to murder the sith Lord Padme Amidala on behalf of the council. "I don't want to have to do this padme. I love you. Stop this! You've..... You've.... Broke my heart! This is a path I cannot follow. If you don't stop, I have to do some terrible things." "Anakin I've done this for you're safety, for Luke and leia's safety! Don't try and stop me! I am too powerful! I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused you but I need to do this!" she yelled as she swung her lightsaber at anakin and him as padme was hit. They died together, holding hands by saying at the same time "Im sorry..."
Luke and Leia continued their training to defeat the empire by master Kenobi, and were trained to be the most powerful jedi ever. They met up with captain Han Solo and his copilot Chewbacca. They went on an entire adventure and destroyed emporor palpatine, and brought peace to the galaxy. And brought a new generation of heros in the process.....

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