Part 6

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7 months later
Padme and anakin have been living on Naboo setting up the baby's room. There were happy there. They were hidden and safe from anyone.
Anakin's P.O.V.
It was another restless night. I was having another nightmare. One that I had to stop from becoming a reality. I couldn't get it out of my head. I had went into the living room when I heard a voice ask me "Annie, are you all right?" It was Padme. "Padme I'm fine." "Anakin what's wrong?" "I had a nightmare. About you and the baby. You died." I felt the tears streaming down my face. "What happened to the baby?" "I don't know. I woke up shortly after you died." "Well anakin, it was only a dream and I will be fine. So will the baby. Don't worry." Padme hugged me and  we walked back to the room. I don't know if I was going to go back to sleep. I couldn't lose her.
Padme's P.O.V.
It was morning. I felt so bad for anakin. He was so worried about me. That morning, anakin walked to the balcony and over to me. I was looking at the sunrise. "Padme, there is something I have to tell you." "What is it anakin?" "I am leaving on a mission with obi wan. I told the Jedi masters to watch over you. So don't worry." Anakin was leaving? He wasn't going to be here? I started to cry. I hugged onto anakin. "Please don't leave me." I cried. "Not now. You can go after the babies are born." I saw the sadness in anakin's eyes. He didn't want to leave. He was being forced to. Anakin started crying. "I'm sorry Padme."
Anakin's P.O.V.
I walked away. I felt so guilty. I walked to my star fighter. And I left.
Padme's P.O.V.
He was gone. He was gone! I fell to my knees in tears. My anakin was gone and he had a chance of getting killed. I already missed him. Anakin, I need you.

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