
14 2 3

(these are an english project we did)


Music is...

Feeling the beat

Swaying along

Closing your eyes

Listening to the emotions

Music is...

Playing the chords

Sitting down in formation

Drawing sound from the keys

Music is...

Taking breath away

Running to the notes

Finding the feel

Tearing out the hearts of the audience

Leaping from note to note

Tearing up with emotion

Standing up the an ovation

Loving every second

Heart Break

Waking up in the morning sun

to look at your face.

Realizing you aren't here

to look at.

Stepping out into the harsh light

to walk alone for the first time.

Waiting for the bus in the cold wind

without something to shield it.

Seeing you happy

Without me.


(this one is depressing i know)

Signing off

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