Chapter 1 - It Started With A Pie

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Katie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going buzzing in my face. Just another typical morning. It was raining outside, more like a thunderstorm really, I could hear my parents fighting downstairs. I always woke up to them fighting when my dad had the day off because normally he was at work before I woke up. As I stumbled out of bed I realized tomorrow was Friday. Some good news at last. And Spring Break was coming soon as well. I took a shower and put on some makeup. I didn't wear makeup that often but it was raining and my parents were fighting...I felt like I needed something to pick me up when I was down. I used makeup for that. It made me feel like I was covering up my problems and how I really felt on the inside. Surely that's better than resorting the drug use?

"Hi mom." I greeted her, not making eye contact with neither her or my father as I walked down stairs and passed them by. I headed straight to the kitchen and grabbed an apple off the counter.

"Morning." Mom came into the kitchen and forced herself to smile at me and even smiled at dad.

"You don't have to pretend you guys weren't fighting. I'm 17 now I can handle it."

"I know..." She sighed and looked away. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. That's when her mood changed and she attempted to start one of her rants. "I wish you wouldn't waste your life on your phone. You're such a smart girl, you could do so much better." I've heard this all before...

"And I wish you wouldn't fight with dad but we can't all get what we want can we?" I walked past her and out the door. I swear no one understood me sometimes. I know all teenagers say that but...I can't help how I feel. I know she didn't try to but she tends to take out her anger from fighting with dad on me. That's why I distance myself from them and just talk to my friends. She doesn't like my friends though. She thinks I spend too much time talking to my friends and 'goofing off' online as she says when I could be studying or playing some kind of sport. I don't like sports. I get good grades. Usually A's but sometimes the occasional B. She thinks I should be hanging out with people and do more activities. I like making videos with my friends and writing fanfiction. Is that so wrong? My best friend Emily and I have a Youtube channel where we make video blogs about One Direction.

Oh...One Direction... funny story. Emily and I used to hate them. Like not a little, we really really hated them. I think we were just being stubborn and didn't want to be like everyone else. But one day it just hit us while we were watching them on tv. Before long I caught Emily stashing posters of Niall in her locker and I started seeing them on her walls in her room. She even began sending me links to their videos and I became hooked as well. They can sing and they're funny and...Louis is just...he's the most perfect little...oh don't even get me started. It's too early in the morning to start fangirling. Anyway, we only have 4,000 views on our most popular video but it's not about the views, it's about having fun. My mom thinks it won't get me anywhere in life so I shouldn't bother. It's my hobby. It keeps me from getting into trouble. Other people my age are out there getting pregnant and doing drugs but she doesn't see that apparently...

I checked my messages on my phone and tried to distract myself. Emily had just texted me.

Emily: You awake yet?

I quickly typed a reply and waited for her response.

Me: Yeah, I'm on the porch

Emily: Have you been on Twitter? :3

Me: No what do you mean by that? XD


Emily is going through a massive fangirl phase right now, as you can tell.

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