Chapter 20 - Pain & Darkness

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(A/N) I can't believe this is already chapter 20?! Anyway, get your box of tissues my loves. If you thought the last one was hard this one is going to be even harder. I also want to say something that I should have said in the last chapter. I'm not going to apolgoize if I've offended any Larry shippers in any way. I have friends that ship Larry and I have no problem with that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the people that send Eleanor hate mail and stalk her and threaten to kill her and go out of their ways to make 'fanpages' with their only purpose to insult her is wrong. It's not a hobby, that's cyberbulling and it will always be WRONG. If she is fake, it doesn't matter she's an f-ing person. So if you're a nice Larry shipper who ships them without doing that and wants to read my story than thank you for reading! If you're not, then don't even bother reading any further or commenting because I will not argue with you about it.

Liam's POV:

"Louis?" I walked into the room and saw Louis and Zayn playing Fifa on the Xbox.

"What is it?" Louis responded without taking his eyes off the game.

"I just talked to Sophia. Her and perrie are coming back home now and said Eleanor left the hotel without them and she didn't tell them where she was going. Have you heard from her?"

Louis paused the game and looked at up. "No, I haven't actually. Well maybe she just got homesick and felt like coming back early?"

"Probably." I said with a gulp. It was no secret Eleanor has had a rocky past. She could be an emotional person. I just hope she's smart enough not to do something stupid.

"I'll text her." Louis got out his phone and typed a quick text.

"When was the last time you heard from her?"

"Um, I guess yesterday when I got back. Before I talked to Niall and Harry, I texted her. She seemed fine then. Maybe she went back home. I'll text her mum as well." Louis suddenly seemed concerned. He knew her better than any of us, if he thought something was up then there was something wrong.

"Did Sophia say when the last time was they heard from her?" Zayn asked

"Yeah, she said it was yesterday at Starbucks. She was acting weird and went back to the hotel and hasn't been heard from since."

"Well that is odd." Zayn said and I nodded.

"It was bizarre that she didn't text me last night. I was hoping maybe she was just tired." Louis said, still staring at his phone and eagerly waiting for a reply to his text. His hand looked as though it was shaking with nervousness.

Niall suddenly walked out of his room and into the living room holding his computer. "Say hi to Emily everyone!" He said and titled the computer at us so we could see hr face on his screen.

"Hi Emily!" We all shouted in unison.

"Hey guys!" Emily waved.

"Skyping again with her I see?" I asked and Niall nodded.

"Don't mind us, just making my way to the kitchen for a snack." Niall set his laptop down on the counter, opened the fridge, pulled out a bunch of random ingredients and began making a sandwich. "Go ahead, Emily, what were you saying?" Niall said before ripping open a package of cheese with his teeth.

Emily laughed and shook her head at him. "You're making me hungry and not hungry all at once." She said as Niall sloppily squirted ketchup on two slices of bread. "Anyway, I said Sasha is staying at the London training fecility if you guys want to drop by and see her."

"DID SOMEONE SAY SASHA AND LONDON IN THE SAME SENTENCE?" Harry ran out of his bedroom wearing only boxers and wearing a blonde wig.

"Bro a wig? Really?" Zayn said and Louis just laughed at the sight.

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