Chapter 21 - Last Hope

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Katie's POV:

"Look at this, I can't believe it." Emily shoved a magazine in my face as I closed my locker.

I took it from her and read it out loud. "What is...oh my God?! 'Louis Tomlinson cheats on girlfriend the night before her death. Did Eleanor die in vain? Eleanor's secret suicidal thoughts?' These are pictures of Louis and I in the park after the dance? Are you kidding? How did they even get these?!"

"I don't know." Emily sighed and I handed her the magazine back after looking through it. "That's not what happened at all. They don't understand."

"Well I'm not going to let it bother me." I put some books in my locker and closed it again. It had been a few days since Eleanor died. I don't remember how many to be honest. Everything has been a blur. If I were to guess I'd say it's been 3 days maybe. My birthday was yesterday. I didn't want to do anything but my mother insisted we go see my grandparents or else they'd be disappointed. I put on a fake smile for them even though I was dying inside. I couldn't even be with Emily on my birthday. Sasha is still in England but at least Angel tagged along with me. I was lucky I got along so well with her and she knew what I was going through. She was just as sad as I was. Now recently word got out that Eleanor was depressed and sucidial. I have no idea how that information was leaked.

"Have you heard from Louis?" Emily leaned against the locker next to me and her voice became very serious.

"No, not at all. I'm so worried about him. Has Niall told you anything?"

"I haven't talked to Niall in a while. I think they're all quite depressed."

"I hope you're proud of yourself, Katie." Tia sneaked up behind me and tapped my shoulder until I turned around to face her. She was holding a copy of the same magazine Emily had showed me. "You knew he was cheating on Eleanor. It's people like you that caused her depression. You should die like she did." Tia flipped her hair and walked off. Emily opened her mouth to say something but I covered it.

"Don't say anything, please. I don't need it right now." Emily nodded and I released her. I walked down the hallway with Emily and everyone was staring at me. "You don't have to walk with me if you don't want to, Em." I said quietly.

"That's nonsense. You're my friend, I'm not leaving your side." Emily put her hand on my shoulder as we walked. It felt like everyone hated me. They didn't know what really happened and they didn't want to know.

"How could you do that?" One girl shouted.

"And in our own school?"

"Ugh, I'm so embarased to go to school here now."

"What a loser."



I lost it and ran back in the opposite direction to the door and ran outside. I was not going to be able to handle this everyday. I can't even handle it now.

"Katie!" Emily ran after me and stopped me just before I reached the sidewalk. "Wait, you can' can't listen to them. You're really gonna let them get to you?"

"I'm sorry, Em. I can't right now. I just...I'm gonna go home."

"But...okay, take care of yourself. Tweet me if you need me. We can meet in the park or..."

"Thanks." I had just about caught my breath so I walked away. I walked home slowly. I needed time to think. I have no idea what I'm going to do now. The last thing I ever expected was this. Louis had good intentions but he really just made everything worse for me.

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