Chapter 13 - The Surprise

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Emily's POV:

How did people ever live without electricity? Seriously, what did they do without Facebook and Twitter and Youtube and all that? Was the world just a better place back then where you could go out and make frineds? Maybe everyone was just more friendly? Could you go out and have fun with your friends without having to worry about a guy stabbing you from behind because he thought you looked like someone he knew who owed him $20?! I blame the econemy for the lack of civility in this society. Society is something that upsets me a lot and fascinates me at the same time. So many people are so different and yet we're all the same somehow.

That was way too deep of a thought for me.

Anyway, the electricity is finally back!

I turned on my computer and it signed me into Skype automatically. It said Niall had added me as a contact? I almost forgot that I had sent him my Skype name before the hurricane arrived.

"Niall Horan is requesting a video call"

Whoa, hold your horses kiddo. I haven't even turned on my anti-virus yet.

Wait did I read that right? He really wants to talk to me? That fast?

I answered the call.

"Hi?" I said as his face appeared on my screen.

"Hey Emily! It's nice to see you!"

"You too!" I smiled and he smiled brightly back at me. God, that was a beautiful smile he had.

"How is Katie? Louis has been worried about her for days."

"She's fine as far as I know. Of course I don't know much, I can't talk to her anymore..."

"Oh yeah, that's right." His smile faded and mine did the same.

"But since the power is back on for me I'm sure she has power again. Louis should check his messages."

"Ok, I'll tell him that." Niall turned around and yelled towards the doorway. "Louis, the power is back in California, check your messages!"

I laughed at him while he was shouting. "That was deafening." I said, taking out my earbuds and rubbing my ears.

"Oops, sorry."

It got very awkward suddenly. Neither of us had a clue what to talk about.

"Did you um, did you need anything?" I asked and then reazlied how stupid that sounded

"Do I need anything? Like what?"

"Uh, I don't know. I don't really know why you've called me I guess..." I laughed a little to lighten the situation.

"I don't know why I did either." His expression changed so fast. He went from being the giddy way he's known to be to looking depressed and offended within in seconds. I didn't mean to let him down, but I don't know what he was expecting me to say to him? "I guess I just thought it would be nice to get to know you. And I didn't want you to feel alone so I..."

"Oh, so you just feel sorry for me because of my parents?" I hated that I got all defesive so easily. I get that from Katie I think.

"No! I didn't mean it like that!"

"That's the last thing I need." I crossed my arms.

Niall stared at me for a moment without speaking. I don't know what he was doing. I think he was trying to figure out what to say that wouldn't offend me. "I'm sorry." I said. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that..."

"You don't have to apologize, I get why you felt that way." He smiled at me again. That damn Irish smile...

"I don't have a lot of friends and I guess this is why. Everyone tells me I tend to push people away and I almost just did it again to you."

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