1 | Arrival of the dragon lady

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[edited version]

"Another busy day." Andrea said while walking to her desk. "Yeah another demanding day," Emily sigh.

Andrea sitted in her desk doing the things that Miranda asked for.

5 minutes after

Andrea received a text message from Miranda's driver, that they're coming to runway in 3 minutes.

Andrea immediately sit up from her chair, frankly running around and Emily noticed her running around. "Andrea why are you freaking running around the office?" Emily asked. "Because Miranda is coming in 3 minutes. Now go to the hall and alert the others!"

Emily did what Andrea said and went to the hall. "Guard your loins!" Emily shouted. The staff now are running to different rooms prepping up each room. Andrea told Emily she is now going down to meet Miranda, while Emily is prepping up the things and organizing Miranda's table.

Nigel entered with his very expensive leather jacket and some magazines.

"She is suppose to be here before 9:00!" Nigel stated.

"Yeah, she is always in a hurry," Emily stated.

"I think I am going to leave you here. I'm going to check my department so the Dragon Lady won't lecture me again." Nigel said.

"Yeah, good luck!" Emily said. Nigel nod and went to his department.


Andrea went down to meet Miranda, in seconds she was down stairs, went to the door waiting for Miranda's car.

The car arrived and Miranda step outside of the car wearing Dolce Gabbana pencil skirt and a long sleeve top from Dior. Her fur coat with white Prada bag and her signature Prada heels.

Andrea greeted her, "Good morning Ma'm." Miranda just nodded, while walking beside her.

Miranda asked Andrea using her soft yet demanding tone.

"Andrea, where is today's agenda?"

"Andrea, did you call the catering?"

"Andrea, did you confirm the meeting with Prada and Jimmy Kors?"

"Andrea did Chloe fixed the outfits that I asked her?"

Andrea give today's agenda to Miranda and she simply looked at the piece of paper attached to the clipboard.

"Miranda, all the things that you asked for are now done." She simply nod and walked out.

They enter the elevator, after a few seconds, they entered to the office and Emily standing near to Andrea's Table and greeted her.

"Good morning, Miranda." She simply nod and removing her fur coat and bag. Emily put Miranda's things to her closet.

Andrea and Emily went back to their desks. After a few seconds Miranda calls Emily to her office.

Emily immediately stood up from her chair and went to Miranda's office.

"Yes, Ma'm?"

"I want you to bring me 10 skirts from Calvin Kline, 10 luxury bags from our designers the latest collection. 3 leather jackets from our very leading designers only. I want this items in 1 hour only!that's all"

Emily walked out of Miranda's office so fast. Picking up her bag and jacket ready to do all the things Miranda said, in just 1 hour.

"Andrea I will be gone for a hour due to Miranda's demanding. She wants me to bring luxury items to her in just 1 HOUR!" She said in a shout whisper.

"Well good luck to you and stay safe!" Emily just nod, walking up  to the elevator.

"Guess I'll be all alone with her demanding to me all the time." Andrea thought.

after 50 minutes

"Andrea!" Miranda shouted.

Andrea quickly went to Miranda's while rolling her eyes.

Hello guys! so this was the edited version. Hope you like it! Don't forget to vote! thank you! xoxo

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