3 | The Appointment

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[edited version]

"Hello, this is Dr. Park. Who is this?" the Doctor asked with her curious tone.

"Hello, Dr. Park. This is Andrea Sachs from Runway. Miranda's assistant." Andrea said.

"Hello, Andrea. How can I help you?" The Dr. Park ask.

"Ahh, well, Miranda needed an appointment right now, because she is experiencing pain from her head and lower part of her stomach," Andrea said.

"Sounds terrible. Tell her that she needs to come to the hospital at this moment."

"Okay! Thank you Dr. Park."Andrea said hanging up the phone.

"What did she said?" Miranda asked in a curious tone.

"She said that we should come to the hospital at this moment."

"Oh, okay. Let's go now," Miranda said.

Andrea helped Miranda to get up from the couch and they immediately walked outside towards the car.


They were already in the hospital. They walked towards the receptionist desk.

"Good Morning Miranda, how may I help you?" the receptionist said.

"We are here to see Dr. Park." Andrea said.

"Do you need some help?" The receptionist asked.

"Oh! no. We can manage. Thank you, by the way." Andrea said with a smile.


While checking on her phone, Dr. Park heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Miranda and Andrea entered the room.

"Good morning, Miranda, Andrea. So what's our case here?" The doctor asked.

"Well Miranda experienced a very terrible pain from her head and lower part of her stomach." Andrea said.

The doctor hummed.

"So, I recommend you, Miranda to rest, your headache maybe is from all the stress you experienced from your work and for your stomach pain, maybe its from something you ate. But I highly recommend you to drink a lot of water, eat vegetables and fruits, don't push yourself a lot. Take a steady and calm breaths everyday. I will give you some medicine so the pain will be gone. If it still continues please come to me." The doctor said.

Miranda nod. "Thank you Dr. Park."

"Anytime, Miranda. Take care and please follow my advice."

Dr. Park handed the medicine to Andrea and they exited the room, walking towards the door and immediately entered the car.

After 10 minutes. They entered Miranda's home, Andrea helped her to climb to the stairs, both entered Miranda's bedroom, to helped her to go to her bed.

After a few minutes, Miranda is already sleeping and Andrea went downstairs.

Another update!!! 💜 don't forget to vote! thank you, xoxo

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