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"Miranda,  Ms. Lockhart called and she wants to do the interview" Emily said formally
"Well tell her the interview will be on 2 days from now" Miranda ordered
"It will be done,  Miranda" Emily said while closing her notebook and walking out of Miranda's office,  leaving her in her ocean of thought

"Well she said yes,  so what we will I do,  be kind or be the ice queen,  or I can be both"
*Miranda saw herself in her old highschool,  seeing Diane with her new so called friends,  she just want to throw up seeing it,  "what did I even did to deserve this treatment" She thought,  she felt alone she didn't have a lot of friends only her who accepted her who she truly is"*
She immediately snapped out of the memory and focused her attention at the important matter at hand.

"Emily call Lockhart's office tell them to I will move the interview now" Miranda ordered and Emily immediately called Diane's office.

Diane saw her phone ringing
"Diane Lockhart" She answered
"Hello Ms. Lockhart,  this is Emily Charlton,  Miranda Priestly's assistant"calmly said
"What can I do for you Emily? " Diane asked
"Miranda moved the interview today,  she expects you in her office now" Emily said
"What I thought it was in two days" Diane asked,  in shocked
"Well I checked she is booked for the following days and today is the only day she is available" Emily lied
"Oh okay,  give me 30 mins" Diane said in a hurry and hung up,  picking up her coat and bag.  Will saw her running to the elevator
"Hold up,  Diane why are we running" Will asked
"Oh Miranda Priestly just moved my interview today" Diane said rolling her eyes
"You know Diane,  Miranda is unpredictable at first she doesn't want it and now she does" Will jokingly said lighten up the situation for his friend
"Okay I need to go" Diane said while walking towards the elevator
"Well good luck" Will said walking towards  his office

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