2 | Pain

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[edited version]

Andrea entered Miranda's office with a small notebook incase she needed some things to be done. Before Andrea could ask the things that Miranda wanted her to do, Miranda yelled in pain.

"Miranda are you all right?" Andrea asked with a concern tone.

Miranda could not formulate the right words due the pain she experienced from her head and lower part of her stomach.

"I'm fine, its nothing." Miranda said with slight smile.

"I don't think you are fine, Miranda. I'll call your driver to pick you up and get your things," Andrea said. Walking out her office and didn't wait for her reply.

Andrea have Miranda's things and walked inside her office. Andrea walked towards to Miranda helping her to stand. They enter the elevator and in a few minutes they were downstairs, while walking they saw Emily running to them.

"Oh my god! Miranda are you all right?" Emily asked with a concerned face.

"I'm fine, Dear. No need to worry." Miranda said in her soft tone.

"Emily, I will be gone for a while, please handle the desk for me, okay?" Andrea said.

"Sure Andrea. No problem." Giving a thumbs up to her.

"Miranda take care and get well soon." They both nodded.

They went outside and saw Miranda's car coming to the view. They immediately went inside the car to avoid any attention. The driver drove them to Miranda's townhouse and immediately went inside. Andrea helped Miranda to their couch.

"Andrea, call my doctor and tell her I need an appointment now!" Miranda said in her defiant yet soft tone.

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