"Oh my gosh"

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Author's note:

Emily's injury is now healed here in my book and she's back to her normal life. Please like, comment and vote for my
Happy reading everyone!


Andrea walked up to her desk and she immediately felt a pain in her head and her stomach but she just ignore and continued doing some of her tasks and Emily noticed it

"Andrea are you alright" Emily asked with worry washing in her tone.

"I am fine its just nothing" Andrea said

"Are you sure?" Emily asked

"Yes, pretty sure" Andrea said with a fake smile

"Just call me, if you need something I am just here, okay" Emily said and Andrea nodded

Andrea received  a text from Miranda's driver and she immediately tell Emily she is going down stairs to meet Miranda 


"She will not be the Miranda I knew yesterday she will be the Dragon Lady" Andrea thought, while waiting for Miranda

"Here she comes"  Andrea thought nervously

Miranda stepped out of her car and Andrea walked towards Miranda

"Good morning Miranda" Andrea said with a smile on her face

"Andrea where is the spring pieces, the calvin kline meeting, did you confirm the meeting with Prada? Miranda asked with her defiance yet soft tone.

"Miranda all the things you asked is are done and the spring pieces are at the costumes department" Andrea said

"You really never fail me Andrea " Miranda thought

They step in to the elevator and immediately walked in to the office and Miranda gave Emily her bag, coat and the book. Andrea walked inside to Miranda's office writing the things want to finish and confirm. Standing there and still waiting her to give some of her demanding orders 

"That's all" Miranda said

After that, Andrea stopped in her track, "ahh my head really hurts and I feel so weak"Andrea thought, she fell  to the ground..

"Oh my gosh Andrea, Andrea"  Emily said with worry and panicin her tone.

(I will do  the POV kinda thing)

Miranda's POV

I heard Emily shouted and I immediately ran outside to see Andrea lying on the floor not moving but alive

"Emily what happen here and she looks so pale?" I asked worry leaking in my tone

"Well she is just walking up to her desk and she just fainted" Emily said with some tears in her eyes

"This idea is so ridiculous yet weird but this is an emergency  no holding back" I thought

"Emily call my driver and he must be downstairs now"I said with my strict tone. Emily nodded, calling my driver to bring us to the hospital and The driver said he will be there in 2 minutes.

"Emily help me here"I was struggling to pick up Andrea and placing one of her arms in the back of my neck.

"Are you sure Miranda?" Emily said with some shock in her tone

"YES" I was growing impatient and Emily immediately helped me with Andrea.  The both of us are struggling to carry Andrea to the elevator and I thought" Ohh please Andrea don't do this on me". When we are out of the elevator a lot of people are looking at us and I didn't care, we immediately went outside to see my driver is waiting for us and we lay Andrea in the sit.

"Emily I will call runway to man  the desk and to cancel all my appointments" I said with my defiance tone and Emily nodded looking at Andrea. After calling Nigel and explained everything what happened. I turn around to look to Andrea.

"Oh Emily, why  did this happen to her?" I said with some tears in my eyes

"Miranda, our Andrea is strong and she will fight her way out of this" Emily said with hope in her tone

"Oh Andea darling you are like a daughter to me" I thought........

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