the meeting

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Diane parked her car in the Elias -Clark building rushing her way to the elevator going to the office of Runway. She went to the receptionist

"I have a interview with Miranda Priestly" Diane spoke
"wait I am just need to confirm it" The receptionist coldly said
After few minutes Emily went to reception place
"Hello Diane. Miranda is currently waiting in her office please follow me" Emily formally said, Diane followed Emily to Miranda's office. Once she saw Miranda seating in her chair. She stopped and saw a young Miriam with black hair and some pins in her hair smiling at her. All the memories of her and Miriam hit her like a landslide.
"if you are going to stay in that position, maybe it's the best to cancel this I don't like wasting my time" Miranda coldly said while reading a magazine.
"Oh right, so sorry about that" Diane apologized she felt her cheeks blushed because of the embarassment she is feeling. She walked towards to the seat that is close to Miranda's table.
"So, what do you think of women in power ? " Miranda asked while having a recorder next to her to record all Diane's answers.
"For me, women being in power is the newest revolution, things are starting to change, women are not only known to cook or to manage a household, they are now known to hold position in office, can do the work that men can do and I think that is amazing" Diane answered
"Do you really want to become a lawyer for the first place? " Miranda asked
"Yes I was Inspired by my father who was a senator in the past" Diane answered
"We heard that you have a husband how do you handle love and work? "
"Well my husband Kurt is very supportive of my work, he understands what I am doing, when I have free time we would go to the cabin have fun and try to relax from the busy city". Diane answered smiling
"Last question what can you say to young girls and women that are inspired by you" Miranda asked
"Well, dont be afraid speak up to yourselves, be firm with what you want, dont let anyone tell you that you cant dont it, because I know you can do and educate yourselves" Diane answered. Miranda stopped recording
"The photoshoot for the edition will be sent through email by my assistant" Miranda coldly added
"Miranda can we talk a bit" Diane asked
"I have no time and there is nothing to talk about anyway dont waste my time" Miranda coldly answered walking pass through Diane. While Andrea scrambled to her knees to give Miranda her coat and purse.
"Diane, I will send you the details through email and rules you need to follow while working with Miranda" Emily said, Diane thanked Emily, she started to walk towards the elevator, went inside her car and drove back to the firm.

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