Chapter Ten

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“Thank you.” I told the woman as she took the box in the back. I had gotten AJ a stroller that turned into a carseat. It was the best I could do. It was was within my budget, well it was most of my budget. “You really didn’t have to do that.” JJ told me once again. I shrugged my shoulders and helped AJ strap herself in. “Where are we going now?” I asked as I followed behind Morgan and JJ, who seemed to be heading to the most expensive shops in the mall. “I can’t afford this stuff.” I stated as I looked at the stores. “Really?” I was a bit offended by Morgan’s question and was about to defend myself when she cut me off saying “We are here to spoil you. You weren’t supposed to spend any money today.” I stood there with my mouth agape. “No-no. Y-you guys shouldn’t spend any of your money on me. I’m fine with my clothes and accessories.” I managed to stutter out through my shock. “What store do you want to go to?” Morgan asked completely ignoring my previous statement. “Ummm…” I said as I looked at all the stores. None of these stores were my taste. “Is there a Spencer’s or Hot Topic here?” I asked. “What?” Morgan and JJ said in unision. “What are you talking about?” I was shocked yet again. How could they not know what Hot Topic or Spencer's was? “They’re my favourite stores. Really fun to shop in too. Plus the workers are super friendly.” I stated as I turned around and started to walk towards the other end of the mall for either of the stores.

“My warning to you because you are going to watch AJ is for you to not let her go to the back of the store.” I whispered to JJ. He seemed confused but nodded his head and took over steering the stroller. We all walked into Spencer’s and I had the goofiest grin on my face. I grabbed Morgan’s hand and led her over to the shirts. “Hmm…I need a couple of new shirts.” I stated as I looked at the ones hanging up on the wall. There were band shirts, gaming shirts, anime, and you get the idea. I heard Morgan hum and pick up a ‘Gay Agenda’ shirt. “I’ve always wanted that shirt.” I stated and she laughed while saying she wanted to get it for JJ. She didn’t judge me which was shocking, but I’m glad that she accepts the community. I picked out some anime shirts and band shirts. My Chemical Romance, P!ATD, TØP, you get the gist. Attack On Titan is my favourite anime so off course I got some of the AOT merchandise. I didn’t want to get to much so I stopped there, but Morgan showed me these gloves and I fell in love with them. I knew I was going to be in for trouble if Morgan kept buying me things.

The Story Of Adrian GrayWhere stories live. Discover now