Chapter 8

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" ACTION! " Uncle Wes screams.

" Maggie! " Newt yells.

" What? Minho was just taken, and I don't know what to think. " I say.

" Can we talk? " He asks.

" Newt. I do not want to talk " I say, starting to walk away.

" Did you ever love me? " He asks.

" What? " I ask.

" Did you ever love me? " He asks, asking slower.

" Of course I did. I just kept on waiting and waiting and waiting for my knight and shining armor to come back to me. But he never did. I loved Aris since the moment I met him. I loved you until the day I stopped " I say.

" When was that? " He asks.

" Today " I say walking away.

" When did you remember me? " He asks.

" The minute I saw you. The minute you kissed me. The minute where I saw you, and knew it was my Newtie. That WCKD put it in my mind, that I was suppose to forget my finance. I guess it worked. " I say handing him the ring.

" I'm not taking it " he says.

" Newt take the ring " I say.

" No, because I know in the end we are going to end up together " he says.

" Unless one of us are dead " I say.

I move closer to him, making us nose-to-nose. He leans in. His mouth basically against mine. Are lips touch. His hand is now holding mine. I change the hand he is holding, and put the ring in it. " I need to go " I say.

" Maggie! I still love you! Okay I never bloody stop! " He screams, it starts to "rain"

" Well I'm with someone else Newt " I say.

" I can wait " he says, running up to me smashing his lips onto mine. I push him away after about a minute.

" Newt you shouldn't have been that " I say.

I walk away to the group.

" AND CUT! " Uncle Wes screams.

" One more scene " Uncle Wes says.

" ACTION! " Uncle Wes screams.

" What do we do now? " Fry pan asks.

" Well we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan, and get you kids to the safe haven " Vince says. " And we start over I guess " he adds.

Thomas stands up. " I'm not going with you " He says. We all look at him likes he's crazy.

" What? " Vince asks.

" I made a promise to Minho I wouldn't leave him behind I have to go after him " Thomas says.

" Hey kid look around you WICKED just kicked our butts. And think about where you are headed " Vince comments.

" I'm not asking anyone to come with me " Thomas replies.

" Thomas listen to me I've known Minho for well as long as I can remember. So if there is any way if we could help him I would standing up standing next to you. This is what you're talking about is impossible " Newt says.

" More like suicide " Jorge comments.

" Maybe I know what I'm suppose to do " Thomas says. " It's not just about Minho it's about all of us it's about everyone that WICKED has ever taken everyone they will take they'll never stop. They'll never stop. So I'm going to stop them. " He comments. " I'm going to kill Ava Paige " he adds.

" I have to admit I'd like some revenge " Harriet says.

" Wow that's a good speech kid so what's your plan? " Vince asks.

The camera zooms in on Dylan's face.

" AND CUT! THAT'S A WRAP! " Uncle Wes screams.

We start giving each other hugs, and everything.

" Great work everybody! " Dylan yells.

" Crap. I have an interview tomorrow " I say with a yawn.

" Duh we have the same interview " Dylan says. I roll my eyes. " Thank you for the rolling of the eyes " he adds.

" You're welcome " I say.

The next morning......

Dylan, Katherine, Ki Hong, and I arrive at the interview

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Dylan, Katherine, Ki Hong, and I arrive at the interview.

" Y/N you look adorable " Elizabeth says.

" Thank you. The flannel, is actually one of Stiles from Teen Wolf I stole it " I say with a chuckle.

" So tell us about the film, what is one scene you are ready to see in full action. Without giving away spoilers of course " Elizabeth says.

" Oh the ending scene of course " I comment.

" There is a scene between, Y/N and Thomas. Which I just want to see the true magic that is there during that scene " Katherine says.

" Ending " Ki Hong says.

" When we first interact with Sonya, Harriet, Maggie, and Rose " Dylan says.

" Katherine and Y/N how was it working with this cast. Which you guys have probably been asked that question so many times " she says.

" Um totally. I was a little nervous, since they were so close as a cast. We actually had a decision before the day we started shooting 3 months ago. Since Nathalie has worked with Thomas, and Y/N has worked with Dylan. We asked about how they are " Sonya.

" Terrified. It is also, because these are some of my favorite actors. I basically grew up watching these people. Which is so interesting, cause it's like oh hey when I was a kid I watched that, and now I'm like oh I'm working with them now " I say.

" What are some of your favorite scenes? " Elizabeth asks.

" I love the groups scenes " Dylan says.

" I like when we have flashback scenes " I say.

" Romance, between the old characters and the new characters " Ki Hong says.

" The whole movie " Katherine says.

" Guys go see The Scorch Trials in theaters September 15th, 2015! " Elizabeth says.

" Bye! " We all say.

Jealousy ( Thomas Brodie-Sangster/Newt x reader )Where stories live. Discover now