6. 5 months or 6?

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Hazel’s POV

Today I am five months pregnant. No more morning sickness. My body now agrees with me. My body is okay with me having a baby. Gus has been helping me feel better lately. I am so glad he is back. I don't know what I could've done without him. It would have been harder to take care of the baby. In a few days we have another appointment for my doctor. To check and see if my baby is alright. 

I wake up and see that Gus isn't next to me like he usually is. I get up and detach myself from my Bi-Pap and attach myself to Philip. Today seems a little quieter than it normally is. I walk into the kitchen to see my parents with Gus sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

“Hey mom.”                                  

 “Hey Sweetie. How are you feeling today?”

Better than usual. That's good I guess. " Normally I don't feel this great. I usually feel tired, moody, and restless. I walk over to Gus and give him a kiss. Every time we kiss I can feel the electricity from both of our lips touching together. It feels like the romantic movies, where they feel the electricity of their lips touching. It felt like our first kiss. It sure didn’t feel like our last. Gus is still alive. Thank God. It scared me when he died. But he came back. It doesn’t make sense. How could he die but come back to life? Someday I will ask him. Today’s not the day.

“Mom we’re going to go to my room.”
"Alright sweetie, Are you hungry? Your dad made breakfast. He made eggs, bacon, and your favorite toast.”

“I guess I am a little hungry. Okay. I’ll eat.” I eat until I can eat anymore. It was really good. How did dad learn how to cook so well? I never knew he could cook.

 Why do I feel so great? With cancer I normally don't feel so confident, happy, and excited. 

When we get to the room, Gus closes the door and starts kissing me passionately. He must have really missed me, huh? I start kissing him back. We fall on my bed and get back up. "Hey!" that sounds so cliché. “That hurts! Gus!”

“Hazel, what is it?”

“The baby. It’s moving around.” I grab his hand and put it on my stomach where the baby is kicking. “I wonder what it is.”

“We won’t know until the baby is born. That is very soon. I can’t wait until the baby is born. I wanted to wait to find out the gender.”

“I don’t know if I can wait that long. I want to know if it’s a boy or girl.”

“I have something to tell you.”

“You can tell me anything, Hazel Grace. You know that, right?”

“Yes I know that. The thing is I’ve already figured out the names.”

“It’s alright. You got me scared there for a second. I thought something happened to the baby.”

“No. Nothing happened to the baby. The baby’s fine. I have an appointment very soon. So we can see if the baby is still alright. I hope she/he is.”

“I’m glad the baby’s okay. Let’s get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight. I love you, Hazel Grace Lancaster. I love you little guy.” He rubs my belly gently.

“I love you too, Augustus Waters.” Then I all remember is falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Augustus’ POV

Last night I was afraid something happened to Hazel or the baby. I wish Hazel wouldn’t scare me like that. She knows I’m easily scared about her and the baby. I am just glad she and the baby are doing alright. She told me that she has an appointment to have another ultrasound to see the baby today.

I stare at Hazel. I love the way she sleeps. She looks so happy. She’s probably dreaming of me. I can tell she loves me more than before. She blushes everytime I say ‘I love you, Hazel Grace.’ It’s crazy what one simple word can do to one person. I remember before I died what Hazel said, ‘I’m like a grenade and at some point I will blow up and I would like to minimize the causalities, Okay?’ I love her more than she thinks. I don’t know if she knows that or not. I hope she does.

I see Hazel open her eyes slowly. “Good morning beautiful.”

“Good morning, Gus.”

“Today’s the day, Hazel. Today’s the day we can find out if it’s a boy or girl. Unless you don’t want to know, yet.”

“If you want to, we can.”

“Alright. It’s your choice.” I say.

“Let’s get up and get ready, then.”

We get up and go to the bathroom to get ready. Instead of Hazel brushing her teeth, I brush them for her. She must have liked it because she starts smiling, but when she smiles for too long she ends up drooling on herself. We both start laughing. She ends up drooling even more. I wipe off the toothpaste off her face with a washcloth. I try not to laugh anymore. We both get undressed so we can take a shower. “I forgot how you look when your naked.” She says. I have a lot of muscle on my chest, I suppose. We get in the shower and wash our hair. We get out of the shower and get dressed. I pick out Hazels clothes for her, and she picks mine. I pick a baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants for her. She chooses a nice t-shirt, with a collar that she got for me when she wasn’t pregnant, and a pair of jeans. We head out the door with the keys in my hand. I hope her parents know about her appointment.

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