7. Gus' Decision

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Gus' POV  
Today Hazel is 8 months and the baby is really big. Well her stomach is really big. But I won’t say that to her. We reach the office for her appointment at around 3. It seems a bit late for an appointment for Hazel. Today’s the day we can find out the sex of the baby. I hope it’s a girl. I’ve always wanted a girl. But it’s alright if it’s a boy. This is one of her last appointments before the baby is born.

The nurse puts the gel on her stomach. Then she puts a weird device that looks like a microphone, kind of. Then an image pops up on a screen. A hear a heartbeat. It’s the baby’s. The nurse asks, “Do you want to know the sex?”

“Huh?” I wasn’t paying attention. I was too mesmerized of the baby, how she can carry human being in her.
“She said, do you want to know what the baby is?”

“Oh yes. I do. Is that okay, Hazel Grace?”

“That’s perfectly fine with me. It’s your choice.”

Should I wait? Or not? I really don't know what to do. I guess I'll find out now.

"Alright, what is it?" I ask nervously.

"You sure you want to know?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Your having twins!" the nurse says. OMG how are we going to take care of two babies? I guess we'll have to learn. It's parenthood anyway, right?

We get home and tell her parents. They are surprised that she can carry two babies without passing out. They got her an advanced oxygen tank since she is pregnant now.  The insurance actually paid for it. The hospital staff knows who we are since Hazel has been going constantly in and out of the hospital for the past few years.  Cancer truly sucks. But I was cured from it since I died already once.

I give the photo of the ultrasound to her parents. They look at it confused. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"It looks like there's two instead of one. That’s weird." I look at the photo again. We didn't tell her parents that she's having twins. "Oh yes. Mom, Dad we're having twins!

"Oh  my, You never said anything about twins. This is exciting news. Now it makes sense how you have such a huge belly."

"Mom!"  Hazel goes to her room. I hear her crying as I follow her to her room. Her hormones can get really messed up at times. It's normal I guess.

Later  that night, Hazel wakes me up and tells me she is getting contractions.

Hazel's POV

Later that night I wake up feeling contractions. I shake Gus until he wakes up. "Hazel Grace? What is it?"

"I'm having contractions.  I think I'm going into labor. Get my mom!" As soon as I tell him,  I unhook my self from Philip2 and attach myself to my oxygen tank. A few minutes later my mom comes running into my room with herself and my dad ready to leave. My dad carries me to the car. He drives as fast as he could to the hospital.

We reach the hospital in less than five minutes. Even though it felt like forever at the time. My mom called the hospital while we were driving there so my nurse was already there. Dad sits my on the wheelchair and my nurse rushes me to my room. 

"How long has your contractions been? "

"Every five or so minutes."

She murmurs something under her breath. All I heard from it was, "She may need a c- section."

"What was that?"

"Oh Nothing." I can tell she was lying.

Other Infinities- (A Sequel to TFIOS)Where stories live. Discover now