8. Contractions

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I heard my nurse murmur something about having a c-section.  Are my parents hiding something from me?

I feel the contractions come again. I scream until I couldn't anymore. I hear the doctor say," We need to give her some epidural. And some medicine for the contractions. If her lungs can't handle the pushing we need to do a c-section. " I feel the contractions becoming closer together. 

They start to tell me," When I tell you to push I need you to push as hard as you can." I nod.

"1……2……..3…….Now PUSH!!!" I push as hard as I can. I feel myself about to faint.

"I need my oxygen!" they put a mask on me that pushes oxygen into my lungs.

"Are you ready to push again?" I nod. Even though I don’t want to.

"Now PUSH!!" I push as hard as I can again. I feel  lightheaded while I do. I hear a baby crying. 

"It's a Girl! One out, one to go!"

"Okay. Now Push one more time!" I push as hard as I can. I hear faint crying then all I see is blackness.

Gus' POV 

Hazel passed out after she gave birth to our beautiful son and daughter. We've already decided the names. Anna and Gus Jr. I chose Anna she chose Gus Jr. She named him Gus from me. She didn’t know she was having twins at the time.

The doctors hooked her up to an IV and induced her. They put a mask on her face to help her breathe. When they did that I was in the waiting room crying. They said I could see my babies if I wanted but I declined.

I remember the day Hazel came to the gas station in the middle of the night to help me. That was the day the cancer really showed. That day I had a CAT scan and it showed that the cancer was all in my body. I remember the day Hazel was in the hospital. That was the day I found out that the cancer came back and that it has spread. 

I remember the day that Hazel almost died.  That day was the scariest day of my life. I don’t know how Hazel was able to go through this.

The doctor comes to me and tells me that I can see Hazel. I thank the doctor and he shows me where she's at. I walk in as soon as Hazel wakes up. I walk in and lay on her bed next to her. She looks at me with her beautiful hazel brown eyes.

Hazel's POV

I wake up and see Gus sitting next to me. I smile with what he calls my beautiful smile.  I realize that I am in the ICU. How did I get here? "You passed after you gave birth." Gus says to me. I nod.

"Can I hold Anna?" Gus hands me Anna carefully. I cuddle with her for a while then I give her back to Gus. I close my eyes for a while. When I open them again I see Gus holding both babies. "Hi Gus."

"Oh you 're awake Let's go see mommy." He says to Gus Jr. I hold Gus Jr. carefully. He starts to cry so I latch him on so I can feed him. I rock him to sleep. I finish feeding him and give him back to Gus so I can get some more rest. We have a long day tomorrow. We don't have any baby stuff. So we need to get everything we need tomorrow. I actually think Gus will be getting everything. I have to take care of Anna and Gus.

The doctor's released me from the hospital after I woke up. We grab all of my stuff from the hospital and my mom and dad drive us home. I am so glad that I got pregnant. I am so grateful for these wonderful children. My parents decide to take care of them for the night.

I fall asleep with Gus that night.


I just saw tFIOS today. To tell you the truth I cried. I cried more than I usually do. I loved it so much! Let me know in the comments what your favorite scene was. Let me know what you thought of the movie vs. the book!

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