How You Meet

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Darkness.All you could see was darkness.You heard loud screeching noises all around you and were moving upward at a fast pace.Scared and breathing heavily,you quickly sat up from your lying position on the cold metal of the cage you were in.Was it a cage? Or was it a box?It was practically impossible for you to figure anything out,especially since you couldn't remember a thing.Not even your own name.

There were other things in the "cage" with you,such as other boxes.You started sweating and screamed out fot help.Nothing.Suddenly the cage stopped abruptly and you layed back down in the pitch darkness again.All you could hear was your own breathing.

After what felt like forever,blinding light flooded the cage you were in.You tried to look up but you couldn't see a thing.You did,however,hear masculine voices and whispers.

"It's a girl!"A voice gasped.

Cracking your eyes open,you saw a boy around your age jump into the cage with you.He crouched down beside you and had kind,brown eyes and midnight black hair."Hey it's ok.I'm not going to hurt you.I'm Thomas."

You'd come up into a maze.The Glade,as all the boys called it.The Glade was surrounded by the maze;it's stone walls standing several feet high.You didn't remember anything and you were scared out of your mind.You were so afraid to talk to anyone, even Alby,the guy who helped you out of the box.He started explaining things to you,so you listened,not saying a word.Your arms were crossed across your waist with your head down,making your hair fall in front of your face.

Alby finished explaining the three rules of the Glade to you and you nodded shyly.

"You don't talk much,"he stated bluntly.You didn't look into his eyes."Newt!"Alby's sudden shout made you jump.

Right then,a tall,thin boy approached you both.His charming appearance intrigued you, causing some of your shyness to fade away.He had a sweet smile plastered on his face. "Yeah Alby,"he responded to him.You tried to brush your hair in front of your face again when you suddenly blushed from Newt's british accent.

"I need you to show her around the Glade,"Alby instructed."Tell her how we run the place."

"Will do,"Newt said.Alby then walked off,giving you a little bit of releif."Uh,hi.I'm Newt."He extended his hand.

You smiled slightly and shook his hand.

Huddled in a corner,the screeching stopped and so did the box you were in.Your knees were to your chest and you started crying and letting out loud sobs.You stopped immediately when sunlight came plunging into the box.You closed your eyes,but they soon adjusted.You looked up and saw about twenty-five boys looking down at you with confused expressions on their faces.Though your legs shook,you stood and stretched out your hand for one of them to help you out.You couldn't remember a thing,but bravery was always a strong quality.

A hand grabbed yours.It must've been about twice it's size.They pulled you out;maybe a bit too strongly.You flew out of the box no problem and landed on the boy who helped you.Your eyebrows raised,surprised at the handsomeness of the Asian boy.He was pretty muscular and had nice-looking hair.

Although you were surprised,you finally gathered your wits and got off of him so you could both stand."Sorry,"you finally said.

"It's fine,"he said."Minho."He stuck his hand out.

You shook his hand,holding it for the second time that day.

After being brought up in a metal box,not remembering a thing,and boys looking at you funny,you were thrown into little hollow pit into the ground.It felt like a jail cell or something.Your anger was boiling inside you from the very beginning toward these boys.You constantly wondered why they didn't just take pity on you for not remembering anything.

You sat there,still,until you heard someone approach the pit.A tall boy crouched down to look in at you.You gave him a glare,just as he was doing to you."Do you remember anything?"He asked suddenly.

"No,"you sneered.'Obviously,'you thought.

"Hey don't give me an attitude,"he responded harshly.You just rolled your eyes in response.He sighed."I'm Gally by the way."

"Does it look like I care,"you mumbled under your breath.

The Maze Runner Preferences (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now