He Asks You Out On A Date

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You'd been in the Glade for a couple months and your crush on Thomas was growing. Ever since he was the first to talk to you in the box,you felt something for him.You were heading to the food shack when you heard Thomas call you.

"Hey Y/N,wait up!"He called.You giggled as he ran to catch up with you.

"Hey Thomas,"you said."What's up?"

"Um,I was wondering...if,um..,"he stuttered.You could tell he was nervous.

"Yes?"You added with a laugh.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me today?"He asked,barely looking into your eyes.

Your heart rate spead up immediately."Yes!"You exclaimed loudly."I mean,sure."

You both smiled and headed off to the food shack together.

You had been in the Glade for half a year and you were being treated for a cut on your arm you'd received.Exiting the shack,you sat down on the grass where the Track-hoes were working,mostly since Newt was one.You were completely head over heels for the british boy.You too had become close since meeting and helped you come out of your shell.

Newt approached you."How's the cut on your arm?"He asked brushing the dirt off his hands.

You glanced down at your arm than back up at his brown eyes."It's ok.Still stings."

He nodded and sat beside you."So whatcha doin' later?"He asked.

You drew in a sharp breath."Um,nothing."You felt a blush coming on.

"Good because I was wondering if you wanted to go to the deadheads later and hang out?"He asked,looking straight at Y/E/C eyes.

"Um,sure,"you responded through a smile.

"Ok,"he said getting up to get back to work."It's a date then."He winked and left.

You started blushing madly.

You waited for Minho to come back from running the maze.You and him usually hung out after his daily runs for a while.You secretly liked him alot and you were curious as to if he felt the same way.

As you waited for him outside the maze doors,you paced.He finally saw him and Ben jogging toward the entrance.You smiled and waved.When he reached you,he suddenly turned toward you all of a sudden.

"Y/N...I have to...ask you...something,"he said,out of breath.

You giggled a little."Um,ok."

"Do you want to...have dinner...with me...later?"He asked,drinking some water now.

You smiled."Like a dinner date?"You asked hopefully.

"If that's what you want to call it,"he responded.

"Yes,"you answered,folding you hands."I will have dinner with you."

Things between you and Gally were complicated.You refused to admit to yourself you had a crush on him,but when you saw him,your heart started to melt.You let on a tough exterior,but you had imagined telling him how you felt.

"Hey Y/N,"he greeted normally.

"What do you want Gally?"You asked bluntly.

"Well,I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Builders hut tonight and we could, you know,talk,"he suggested.He said it in a serious tone.

"Are you asking me out?"You asked,raising your eyebrows.Maybe Gally did have a soft side.

"Pfft,"he scoffed."No."

"Oh,"you said,disappointment lacing your voice.

"I mean,it can,"he quickly said."If you want."

You looked at him and nodded,a small smile forming upon your face.

The Maze Runner Preferences (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now