Newt's Dramatic Moment

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You couldn't beleive it.You just couldn't beleive your eyes.You knew it was coming,but now seeing him like this made your heart break.You felt as if you couldn't breathe.Newt had the Flare and he was passing in and out of turning into a Crank.An insane creature with no state of mind.

The Last City was burning,smoke coming from every building.Fire and sparks stinging your skin,even beneath your clothes.Gally and Minho had ran to go get Brenda,who had the serum that could cure Newt for the time being.Thomas stayed with him,and so did you,refusing to leave him.You and Thomas were trying to carry Newt out of the city,but his dead weight was too much.Both of you couldn't drag him.

Newt finally fell to the ground."Newt!"You cried.Tears were already streaming down your face,your cheeks so wet.You fell at his side,looking into his now black eyes.Dark blue veins criss-crossed across his face and neck.A black liquid stained his lips and his chin.His once blonde hair was mors of a messy brown now."Newt,you can do have to!"

You touched either side of his face with your hands,searching for any sign of sanity left. He suddenly blinked and looked at you."Newt,"you whispered.

As you spoke,you knew that Newt was suddenly gone;lost to the virous.His eyes were not the cute,puppy-dog eyes they used to be.They were suddenly dark and filled with fury and hate.He suddenly reached up and grabbed you by the throat,choking you.He rolled over and was now on top of you.You struggled for air,but you couldn't breathe. He started growling just like a Crank.

Thomas finally ran over him,knocking him off you. You sucked in oxygen,gasping and couphing.You looked and saw Thomas and Newt wrestling on the ground.Newt's movements were wild and uncontrollable.Newt grabbed Thomas's gun and put it to his own head.He did still have a spark of sanity left.

"Newt,no!"You screamed.You grabbed the gun in his hand and it clattered across the ground.Newt screeched at you loudly and hit you across the face with the back of his hand.You fell over as the tears continued to flow.

Before Newt could reach you again, Thomas grabbed his arms,trying to contain him. Newt started flailing again and he even tried to bite Thomas.Then Newt grabbed his knife and swung it at Thomas.Thomas fell and Newt was on to of him once more.He tried to jab the knife into Thomas's chest,but he held Newt's arms just inches away. Thomas finally kicked Newt off and they both stood,the knife still in Newt's grasp.

You stood there,horrified to watch."Newt stop!"You continued to scream.He paid no heed to your words,still advancing toward Thomas.When he pressed himself against Thomas,you heard the knife do it's job,and stab.You gasped sharply,covering your mouth with your hands.Tears streamed down your cheeks endlessly."Thomas!"You cried.

But Thomas pushed Newt away from him and you saw the real damage.Newt was the one who got stabbed.Newt fell to the ground.

"Newt,"you whispered disbeleivingly.You fell to his side."Newt?Newt?!Newt no!Come back!I love you!Newt stay!COME BACK!!!"You screamed and sobbed resting your head on his now still chest.Thomas looked on,crying too."Newt!!!!I can't live without you!Baby come on!"Your voice grew hoarse and your sobs made it impossible to speak.You let your tears soak into hus clothes.Minho,Brenda,and Gally came running,just minutes too late.

You slowly lifted your head,looking at Newt's face for the last time.It was like you could still see his flawless,kind face through the disease.You closed his eyes gently with your fingertips.With a last,"I love you,"you pressed you lips to his cold ones.Tears spilled over and onto his skin.You grabbed his hand as you parted.

"We have to leave,"Minho said to you,his voice sad.

"I'm not leaving him,"you managed to say sternly.You were never mean to any of the Gladers and this was the first time you snapped at anyone,besides Newt when you used to have seldom arguements.

"Minho's right,Y/N,"Thomas said.

You glared at him angrily."You killed him,"he mumbled."YOU KILLED HIM!"You screamed at Thomas at the top of your lungs.He didn't argue,just cried.

"We have to go now!"Minho said.He grabbed your arms and pulled you up.

"No!"You yelled,fighting back.

You screamed and struggled against Minho's tight grip as he dragged you away from Newt's body.Through the tears,which made your vision blurry,you saw Newt grow farther and farther away,until you couldn't see him anymore.Finally,instead of fighting Minho,you just cried into his shoulder as he carried you out of this city with Thomas, Brenda,and Gally on his heels.

Many memories ceated another wave of sadness over you.Coming up in the box for the first time and seeing Newt's friendly face.Hearing his accent for the first time and blushing.The many kisses you two shared,whether they were sweet and simple,or deep and romantic.Escaping the maze,while fighting Greivers,Cranks,and finally WICKED. But you knew that,whether dead or alive,you would always love him.

I cried so hard writing this!Newt's my favorite character and I almost couldn't force myself to write it.

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