Your First Fight:Part 1

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Another girl had come up in the box.Her name was Teresa.Of course it completely shook the entire Glade.Other than the fact that she was the second girl who'd come up in a while,she not only remembered her name right away,but she actually knew Thomas.It was really suspicious,and to be honest,you felt threatened by her.She was thin and was really pretty and she hang around Thomas all the time.Not only that,but it seemed all the boys were forgetting about you.

Instead of hanging out with Thomas for lunch,you decided to stay at work and not eat. Teresa had been there for a couple days,and you didn't want to be around her,and that meant not being with Thomas.Unfortunately,Newt noticed.

"Ok,what's wrong,"he asked,standing over you while you tended to some plants."Out with it."

You sighed and wiped sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand."Fine,you got me,"you said,slightly rolling your eyes."Ever since Teresa has come up in the box she's been hanging around Thomas constantly."

"So?"Newt said shrugging.He sat down next to you.

"So I bet she has a crush on Thomas.And why does she have to be so...pretty."You mumbled the last part.

"Look,Y/N.If you're so worried about it then maybe you should go talk to him about it."

You nodded.Without another word,got up and headed toward where Thomas was.And surprise,surprise;Teresa was with him.You almost chickened out,but you forced yourself to approach them.

"Hey Thomas,"you said.

"Oh hey Babe.What's up?"He asked.

"Um...can I talk to you?Privately?"You glanced at Teresa when you said 'privately'.

"Sure,"he responded."I'll catch up with you later,"he said to Teresa who nodded and started to walk away."So what's going on?"

","you were really nervous."Do you like Teresa? like her?"

Thomas's face fell."What do you mean?Of course not!You're my girlfriend,Y/N."

"I know!"You rose your voice a little on accident."'ve been spending all this time with her!And she knows you!How does she know you?!"

"I don't know!"He exclaimed,his voice rising too."Do you think I have all the answers, 'cause I don't."

"Well it seems like she does,"you said under your breath.You actually gave Thomas a glare.

"Look,Y/N.I don't even know what you have against her.She's confused like every other person.Do you think you could give her break!I can't beleive you're so jealous!"

"Well I'm sorry for being jealous of a pretty girl constantly hanging around my boyfriend!You know what?!It clearly seems like you like being with her than with me!"

You immediately turned around and ran away.Tears sprung into your eyes and ran to your hammock and tried to fall asleep.But the only thing you could do was sob.

Lately,it seemed like Newt wasn't paying any attention to you.Whenever you wanted to hang out with him,he'd say he's "busy" or "maybe later".So you got to thinking that if you did something impressive,you could get him to notice you again.

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