#11 - Macca Reacts: Stand Up Comedy by Varun Thakur

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Hello, my wonderful and lovely Macca-maniacs! It's me, Paul, an I'm back with a video request from AshleyMaycury!

Me: Ooh, this is gonna be good!

Paul: It's called, "Indians Studying Abroad, Stand Up Comedy by Varun Thakur". Well, since this is stand up comedy, I'm expecting it to be good!


Paul: Vroon? Isn't it the sound that a car makes? *ba-dum-tss* *cricket noises*

Me: No, Paul. Just... don't.


Paul: What are plastic cups doing in the toilet?

Me: *giggling* Just watch it.


Me: *laughs*

Paul: ...I don't get it.



Paul: *giggles*


Paul: Hey, we don't speak like that! 😂

Me: Oh my, I can't stop laughing 😂


Me: *claps hands along with the audience in the video*

Paul: *shakes head and laughs*


Paul: *cringes* Ew.

Me: Shut the gate, my dinner is trying to escape 😂


Paul: This is the truth. I know a bit of French but *laughs* I can somewhat relate.

Me: Exactly!


Me: Nice one! *claps*

Paul: *claps along*


Paul: True! I did the exact same thing to my mashed potatoes in my cooking video, to make it look 'professional'.


Me: I'm not Indian, but I find this funny!

Paul: Me too!


Your thoughts on the video?

Paul: Well, it was definitely great. I didn't relate to some parts of the video, but I found it funny, as a Caucasian.

Me: I did find it funny, and I could relate to some parts, since I'm an Asian!

Paul: *a bit shocked* You are?

Me: I am, but I won't tell you where I'm from.

Paul: Oh.

Well, that's all for now. Thank you AshleyMaycury for the video request! Please do ask more questions, and video requests are also welcome!

Until next time, my lovelies! 😘

- Paul

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