Chapter 8

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Me and Katherine walked into school after she spent all weekend asking me about how mine and Jade's date went.Amazing would be an under statement.We walked to my locker so i could get my books for the day.Then we went to her locker.

As we were walking to see Jesy,Leigh and of course Jade we noticed nobody was around,usually it's busy,but not today.We continued to walk down and that's were we seen where everyone was the were at Jade's locker because Ashley had Jade right up against her locker and two girls holding Jesy and Leigh back.I'm going to to kill that bitch.

"Leave me alone Ashley",Jade said obviously in pain

"I'll let you go when you tell me why you won't go out with me",Ashley says

"Because i don't like you and besides i have a girlfriend"

"Jade don't give me that bullshit you don't have a girlfriend"

"Yes i do",Jade finally sees me as i walk right behind Ashley with my arms folded.

"Oh yeah well where is this 'girlfriend' of yours then?",Ashley asks smugly

"I'm right here",I say.She gets startled and let's go of Jade.

"What you two are dating"

"Yep",I say smugly

"And if you ever touch my girlfriend again,well you don't want to know what's going to happen"

"Fine,I just can't believe you would rather be with that bitch than me",She says the last bit quietly thinking she's smart.I was just about to say something but Jade jumped in front of me and grabbed Ashley and pushed her up against the lockers.

"Talk about my girlfriend like that one more time,go i dare you",Jade says angrily

"I'm sorry i won't do it again,i promise"

"Yeah you better"

Ashley quickly walks away and the girls that were holding Jesy and Leigh ran off to.Jade turns around and winks at me.

"Nobody and i mean nobody talks to you like that and gets away with it",Jade says as she walks towards me and grabs my waist pulling me closer to her.

"Thank you for standing up for me baby",I say cheekily

"So it's baby now"

"Yeah it is"

"That doesn't bother me princess"

"Good because your my baby and i'm your princess"

"That's right",she says kissing me.Butterflies just erupt in my stomach.


Jade's POV

Another day at training but at least i get to see Perrie in her cheer leading uniform.We were just doing some warm up's,push ups.sit up's,etc.When my mom called me over.

"Jade can you come here a minute please",my mom says

"Sure what is it?",i ask walking over.

"One of the guys has broken his arm so i need you to lift one of the girls up so they can do their double back flip"

"Okay who do you want me to lift?"

"Ummmm Perrie you can do the best flips so you can do it".Perrie walks over with a smirk on her face.

"Drop me and your not getting kissed for a week",she whispers in my ear.

"Don't worry i won't"

"Okay 1,2,3 lift",my mom says.I lift Perrie up and she does her flip to perfection.

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